ICT for CO2 reduction methodologies

Identify Green Deal and Digital for Climate challenges related to IoT/Edge computing and computing continuum and provide opportunities on becoming strong contributors to the solution of these challenges.

Identify Green Deal and Digital for Climate challenges related to IoT/Edge computing and computing continuum and provide opportunities to AIOTI horizontal and vertical groups on becoming strong contributors to the solution of these challenges.

  • Insights and impact on Green Deal and Digital for Climate policy and regulation related to vertical industry domains
  • Insights and impact on EGDC (European Green Digital Coalition)
  • Insights and impact on gaps related to standardisation related to Green Deal and Digital for Climate
  • Insights and impact on Digital for Climate (vertical and cross-vertical industry domain) use cases and best cases
  • DE/HE calls matchmaking
Georgios Karagiannis, Huawei
Sylvie Couronne, Fraunhofer