
EC Workshop: Releasing the Power of Procurement, 2 May 2019, Brussels

EC Workshop 2 May 2019: Releasing the Power of Procurement – Crossing the ‘Valley of Death’ Between Pilots and Large-Scale Deployment of IoT-Enabled Services In the […]

Presentations from the workshop Open Marketplaces & Enabling Technology, 8 March, Brussels

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AIOTI Newsletter March 2019

CONTENTS  HIGHLIGHTS Joint 5GIA-AIOTI Vision on Future Networks, Services and Applications Call for Nominations: AIOTI Management Board WELCOMING NEW MEMBERS EVENTS Co-designing benefits from a European […]

Joint Press Release – “Joint 5G IA – AIOTI Vision on Future Networks, Services and Applications”

Brussels, 26 March, 2019 A further step to strengthen end-to-end digitalisation in Europe through collaboration between Smart Networks and IoT.   In December 2018 the Alliance for […]

5GIA-AIOTI Vision on Future Networks, Services and Applications

AIOTI is announcing its joint 5GIA-AIOTI Vision on Future Networks, Services and Applications. The vision document is entitled: “High societal and economic impact for potentials for […]

Multi Stakeholder Participation to Lead European Research and Innovation for Cybersecurity, European Files, March 2019

AIOTI Chair Kees van der Klauw contributed to the European Files Magazine March 2019 Issue: “Guaranteeing Cybersecurity: Ambitions for a European Cybersecure.” His contribution is entitled: […]

What could be the architecture that unlocks the true value of IoT-enabled Data Marketplaces?

By Omar Elloumi, Chair, Smart Cities, AIOTI; Tom De Block, Chair, Distributed Ledger Technologies, AIOTI; Natalie Samovich, Chair, Smart Energy, AIOTI Data Marketplaces enabling the exchange […]

AIOTI Report on IoT Relation and Impact on 5G

AIOTI’s Working Group on IoT Standardisation published a report on IoT relation and Impact on 5G. This report highlights several IoT vertical domain use cases collected […]

AIOTI Newsletter February 2019

  WELCOMING NEW MEMBERS Please join us in welcoming new AIOTI members: Agrathaer GmbH At the end of January, AIOTI has 181 members. EVENTS Ageing Fit, […]