
To build a dynamic pole for knowledge sharing in the domain while acting as a bridge between initiatives that bring added value to healthy living

The Group purpose is:

  • to improve the members’ visibility in key fora and towards the European Commission through the further exploitation of members’ best practices related to identified key areas of interest and expertise
  • to support members in assessing and forming consortia for HE and DE calls
  • to support members in defining, implementing and assessing expected value in terms of networking, know-how sharing and creating market opportunities.

Vision on health and contribution of IoT and Edge Computing in Europe

  • Contributions will be open for all members of the WG and external projects implementing EC
  • Analysis will cover, but not limited to, Edge Computing architectures, cyber security at the edge, standardisation, embedded AI and data processing, gaps and needed research, best practices and KPIs. Impact of COVID-19 on the appropriateness and demand of EC solutions. More topics will be considered.


Providing support in forming HE-DE calls consortia

  • Collection of members’ expression of Interest towards call for proposals
  • Support for the definition of a convenor for consortia setting-up


Improve the visibility of group members

  • Publishing of a white paper collecting the vision and best practices by WG members: ” IoT and Edge Computing impact on Health – AIOTI white paper”
  • Supporting the attendance of WG Members to key events (workshop, webinars, conferences)
Pietro Medea, Medea
Roumen Nikolov, Virtech