
To contribute to enabling and facilitating future-proof, sustainable and resilient IoT Ecosystems, and related IoT Policy Frameworks across Europe, to stimulate innovation, build trust and dynamic assurance while mitigating risk, accelerate human-centric IoT uptake and thus strengthen European society, economy, resilience and competitiveness.

To present and promote views of AIOTI membership to relevant policy stakeholders at the EU level based on the membership views expressed on the ongoing EU legislation, policies and strategies.

The group prepares policy reflections and positions related to EU policies relevant to the AIOTI membership and correlated with the work of the other AIOTI horizontal and vertical groups.

For 2024, the agreed priorities are:

  • AI
  • Data
  • Cybersecurity
  • International policy and regulatory collaboration
  • AIOTI Vision 2024-2030
Michele Pastore, Huawei
Nicola Ciulli, Nextworks