Welcome new members
CY.R.I.C Cyprus Research and Innovation Center
At the end of December, AIOTI has 156 members.
On 12 December AIOTI’s WG05 Co-Chair S. Guillen and WG02 Chair A. Siarheyeva attended a workshop to launch new Health and Care LSP project coordination and promoted AIOTI contribution to LSPs in particular to ACTIVAGE LSP.
Events with AIOTI participation
AIOTI Chair of Steering board N. Samovich participated in a breakfast debate “Towards a European Partnership in AI, Data and Robotics” on 4 December in the European Parliament in Brussels. The event was organized by BDVA and euRobotics in collaboration with K4I.
Upcoming meetings and events
Workshop Data Driven Energy Services – How to engage consumers
The European Commission, namely DG ENER and DG CONNECT, organize this dedicated workshop jointly with AIOTI, ENTSOE and INNOENERGY. The full day workshop on “Data Driven Services for Energy Consumers” will be looking at what is happening at household level. It will aim, in particular, at showcasing relevant projects and how they approach the GDPR requirements, understanding how to engage the consumers in these solutions, hearing the views of the Energy communities on the possibilities opened by the Clean Energy Package, and the role played by IT companies compared to the energy companies in providing these services. The workshop will end with a panel discussion aimed at investigating the still open questions related the user engagement into energy services. Book your calendar and register here.
A glimpse into the future: IoT for Autonomous Driving: AUTOPILOT Final Event
The AUTOPILOT consortium is pleased to inform you that its final event “A glimpse into the future: IoT for Autonomous Driving” will be held next 6 February 2020 at mobiLAB & PSA Motorsport in Versailles (France). For any further query regarding the event, please contact info@autopilot-project.eu
An AIOTI DIH workshop will take place in Lille on 28 January. The final agenda will soon be available on the AIOTI website. Ready for IoT best practices and experiences to support the digital transformation in several industrial sectors and across the sectors.
A forum for presenting results, outcomes, achievement, gaps and a unique place for all participants to network, discuss, share and learn. Keynotes, plenary and expert sessions bringing answers to what has been achieved with the IoT European Large-Scale Pilots Programme, presenting achievements, best practices and the standardisation activities, introducing seven new Large-Scale Pilots projects, while addressing the gaps identified, and presenting the position papers of AIOTI working groups.
Policies to Support Open Data Marketplaces
On 29 January 2019 the Workshop Policies to Support Open Data Marketplaces, about Data Sharing in IoT Ecosystems, and Data-supported Services, concepts and best practices in IoT markets and domains will be held in the Crowne Plaza in The Hague. The current program can be found here.
The workshop is co-organised and supported by the European Commission, AIOTI and CREATE-IoT. You can join this workshop free of charge. You can register here.
The Workshop will take place on 29 January 2020 back-to-back to the Data Sharing Days in the same venue in The Hague, for which a 50% discount arrangement on the early bird price is granted up to 23 December 2019 for the attendees of the Workshop (code: EUIOT50). You can register here.
Navigating IoT Architectures and Standards Days Event
19-21 February 2020
Venue: Avenue de Beaulieu 25 (Room BU25 0/S1) Brussels
WG01 Chair O. Vermesan is lead and will promote AIOTI contribution to LSPs and standardization.
Ready for IoT best practices and experiences to support the digital transformation in several industrial sectors and across the sectors.
A forum for presenting results, outcomes, achievement, gaps and a unique place for all participants to network, discuss, share and learn.
Keynotes, plenary and expert sessions bringing answers to what has been achieved with the IoT European Large-Scale Pilots Programme, presenting achievements, best practices and the standardisation activities, introducing seven new Large-Scale Pilots projects, while addressing the gaps identified, and presenting the position papers of AIOTI working groups.
We can shape the future of work
AI and automation will change employment and our economies – but we have time to ensure that evolution proceeds in the best direction.
Working Group News & Meetings
See the AIOTI Calendar of Meetings here.
Tweet of the month