Events with AIOTI participation
The European Big Data Value Forum was held this year on 14-16 October in Helsinki. AIOTI was represented by Steering Board Chair Natalie Samovich in the panel discussion on Scaling Horizontal Partnerships for AI.
Workshop on research priorities for the Next Generation of Internet of Things, was held on 16 October in Brussels, organized by the European Commission. The workshop addressed researchers, industry, application developers and start-ups. WG1 Chair Ovidiu Vermesan gave presentation on behalf of AIOTI on IoT challenges. Presentations could be found here.
The 2019 edition of the ETSI IoT Week, 21-25 October 2019, Sophia Antipolis, France. Many AIOTI members were actively engaged in program. WG IoT Standardisation co-chair Georgios Karagiannis was presenting on IoT impact on 5G.
EDSO-ENCS-ENTSO-E Workshop on Cybersecurity: Defense in Depth, was held in Brussels on 22 October. AIOTI was the partner of the event and WG Smart Energy Chair Natalie Samovich spoke on the panel “Defense in depth: Are the digitalized power systems secure at every link of the energy chain?”
SHAR-Q H2020 project Final event was held on 24 October in Brussels. AIOTI Chair Jürgen Sturm was representning AIOTI on the panel related to associations.

Impact of the IoT, was held on 24 October in Bucharest, Romania. AIOTI Secretary General Damir Filipovic presented the topic of How are the business models influenced by the IoT? Which are the new business models triggered by IoT?

Total Telecom Congress was held on 29-30 October in London. AIOTI Management Board member Irene Lopez De Vallejo was chairing the panel on IoT conference stream.