- Welcome elected WG Chairs and Co-Chairs
- Additional Call for Nomination: AIOTI WG Co-Chairs WG4, WG11, WG12 & WG13. Deadline 01.05.2019
- AIOTI signed a Memorandum of Understanding with SCI4.0
- Create the Next Generation IoT eXperience for the Future Workshop 17 April, Amsterdam
- Call for input – Survey: Shaping the Future of EU IoT Research and Innovation Agenda
- Call for input – Questionnaire 5G-VINNI project
- Large-scale IoT & Data Marketplaces, 8 April 2019, Brussels
- Beyond the hype: the internet of things, 10 April 2019, Brussels
- Beyond Tech Conference, 11 April 2019, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
- 8th Solar Energy Conference of CEE, 16 April 2019, Kiev, Ukraine
- Horasis Global visions event 28-31 March, Cascais, Portugal
- AIOTI Recommendations for IoT Smart Living Environments – healthy ageing solutions
Welcome elected WG Chairs and Co-Chairs
Each two years AIOTI is electing its WG chairs and co-chairs, that are AIOTI leaders also supporting the Steering Board and creating the content of the associations. This year the elected WG chairs and co-chairs are:
Chair |
Co-Chair |
WG01 |
Ovidiu Vermesan (SINTEF) |
Martin Serrano (Insights Analytics) |
WG02 |
Alena Siarheyeva (ISEN Yncrea) |
David Langley (TNO) |
WG03 |
Patrick Guillemin (ETSI) |
Georgios Karagiannis (Huawei) |
WG04 |
Arthur van der Wees (Arthur’s Legal) |
WG05 |
Olivier Horbowy (STMicroelectronics) |
Sergio Guillen (MySphera) |
WG06 |
Luis Perez Freire (Gradiant) |
Thomas Engel (John Deere) |
WG08 |
Omar Elloumi (Nokia) |
Milena Milosevic (Telit) |
WG09 |
Francois Fischer (Ertico) |
Peter Priller (AVL) |
WG10 |
Aitor Corchero (Eurecat Technology) |
Carmen Cotelo Quejio (FEUGA) |
WG11 |
Luis Usatorre (Tecnalia) |
WG12 |
Natalie Samovich (Enercoutim) |
WG13 |
Parm Raeewal (Vodafone) |
Tom de Block (Nearcom) |
Mirko Ross (Digital Worx) |
Additional Call for Nomination: AIOTI WG Co-Chairs WG4, WG11, WG12 & WG13
As announced in the Newsletter in March, AIOTI launched a Call for Nominations for AIOTI Working Group Chairs & Co-Chairs. Due to a lack of nominations, for some Working Groups no Co-Chairs have been nominated within the given deadline. Therefore a new Call for Nomination for CO-Chairs of WG4, WG11, WG12 and WG13 has been launched. Members are encouraged to put their names forward by sending a CV and short motivation by 01.05.2019 12:00 CET to |
AIOTI signed a Memorandum of Understanding with SCI4.0
AIOTI is pleased to announce the signing of the MoU between SCI4.0 and AIOTI at Hannover Messe, which took place in April. AIOTI was be represented by Mr Thomas Walloschke, chair of our Smart Manufacturing WG as the proxy on behalf of the AIOTI Management Board. |
Create the next Generation IoT eXperience for the Future Workshop 17 May 2019, Amsterdam
AIOTI participated in the Create the Next Generation IoT eXperience for the Future Workshop which took place on 17 April in Amsterdam. The event focused on discussing the strategic directions, align the research priorities, identify the gaps and present their expectations for future research and innovation, and the impact of converging technologies such as IoT/IIoT, 5G, AI, DLTs, edge computing on low carbon and circular economy on manufacturing and processing to be addressed in the new European partnerships. AIOTI was strongly presented and mentioned by almost all partnerships. WG Co-Chairs participated. Ovidiu, Luis, Omar, Sergio (co-chair WG05), Tom De Block, David (WG02 Co-Chair), other AIOTI members (Vodafone, Huawei, Texas Instruments). The event was organised by the CREATE-ioT as part of the IoT Large-Scale Pilots Programme with support form DG Connect and several European partnerships. |
Call for input – Survey: Shaping the Future of EU IoT Research and Innovation Agenda
The European Commission is seeking input from key stakeholders on defining the future EU IoT research and innovation priorities for 2021-2027. AIOTI is invited by the Commission to help shape up the future EU IoT agenda by taking the survey developed by the NGIOT project as part of the work for defining a future EU R&D&I agenda for IoT. The link for the survey is: and it will closing soon, so do not hesitate to fill it in. It will take only 5 minutes of your time. |
Call for input – Questionnaire 5G-VINNI project
Within AIOTI’s collaboration with 5G IA, we were invited through 5G-VINNI project WP5 (on business, economics, and ecosystems) to contribute to their questionnaire addressing in particular vertical enterprises. Your input could be key for understanding the pain points that vertical industries face today, their propensity to experiment during product/service life-cycle and how the 5G ecosystem could help them innovate in a mutually beneficial way. It could also further help to understand the strategic/business drivers for adopting 5G technologies, as well as to identify trends across different verticals, countries, organizations of different sizes, etc. for the aspects above. The current version of the questionnaire, which is available here. The preferred first round of answers to the questionnaire is expected already by the end of April. However, the questionnaire will be open for later submissions as well. We would like to kindly ask you to consider filling in the questionnaire. In case you have additional questions, please write to |
Large-scale IoT & Data Marketplaces, 8 April 2019, Brussels
On 8 April, AIOTI together with Open & Agile Smart Cities (OASC), the European Commission and the IoT Large-Scale Pilot Programme co-hosted a workshop to discuss the development of large-scale IoT & data marketplaces in Europe. The event brought together stakeholders from the EU institutions, municipalities, associations as well as SMEs and industry representatives. Presentations of the day as well as the recording are now available for download here.

Beyond the hype: the Internet of Things, 10 April 2019, Brussels
AIOTI Chair Kees van der Klauw spoke at the invitation-only event “Beyond the hype; the internet of things” that was organised by the European Policy Centre (EPC) on 10 April in Brussels. Among the speakers, the discussion focused on the technology, how we are using IoT Today, and address some of the opportunities IoT represent. Kees focused on the current European IoT ecosystem today, what are some of the main challenges to the development of IoT in Europe today, and how can we ensure trust, security and transparency in the IoT Sector? In particular when discussing emerging technologies, we see that many people still have many fears. This is especially the case for the IoT, connecting devices that we wear, have in our homes or in our cars. Kees focused on addressing these issues. |
Beyond Tech Conference, 11 April 2019, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
AIOTI Chair Kees van der Klauw participated in this conference, where he explained the scope of the Internet of Things being a new ecosystem. More information about the event could be found here. |
8th Solar Energy Conference – CISolar, 16 April 2019, Kiev, Ukraine
Natalie Samovich, Chair of AIOTI’s WG Smart Energy, participated at a panel at the 8thSolar Energy Conference of CEE (CISolar Event) in Kiev, Ukraine on 16 April. She presented Digitalisation in Energy perspectives at the session: Solar Energy Development in the context of the auction system: hindrance or new opportunities with the presentation ”Digital side of Solar – beyond platforms, connectivity and automation.” This event is the leading solar energy conference and trade show of Central and Eastern Europe. Pictures attached. More information here. |
Horasis Global visions event 28-31 March, Cascais, Portugal
Tanya Suarez, AIOTI Comms Chair and Natalie Samovich, Chair of AIOTI’s WG Smart Energy, both spoke at the Horasis Global Visions Event in Cascais, Portugal. Ms Sanchez spoke on a session focusing on Artificial Intelligence, whereas Ms Samovich spoke on the Decarbonisation pathways session. Both presentations included contextual mention of AIOTI within the main scope of the session. More information here. |
AIOTI General Assembly
21 June 2019, Aarhus, DenmarkThis year we will again collocate the General Assembly with IoT week in Aarhus. The GA will be held on Friday, 21 June in Aarhus, ARoS Art Museum.
Cybersecurity in Digital Water Infrastructure
28 May 2019, Barcelona, Spain
Living in the Internet of Things conference
1-2 May 2019, London
Releasing the Power of Procurement
2 May, 2019, Brussels.
Event details.
Austria Mission Innovation week
6-10 May 2019, Stegersbach & Oberwart, Austria.
Event details |
INNOGRID 2020: Connecting Physics and digits: Power Platforms on the rise
13-14 May 2019, Brussels
Event details |
13th ITS European Congress
3-6 June 2019, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Event details. |
Workshop op Open Data Access to Mobility Data
5 June 2019, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
More information to follow |
Africa Energy Forum
11-14 June 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.
Event details
IoT Week 2019
17-21 June 2019, Aarhus, Denmark
Event detailsSpecial Registration Fee for AIOTI members
Regarding the AIOTI members who want to attend the IoT Week, they will benefit from a discount when they register via the link above and enter the following Promotional Code: AIOTImember2019!Startup Competition – IoT Week 2019, 17-21 June, Aarhus, Denmark
Are you a start-up with an IoT solution contributing to the UN’s sustainable development goals? If so apply to join IoT Week’s Start-up Competition, Aarhus, Denmark from 17-21st June for a chance to win up to €10.000. The categories are:
- Good Health & Well Being – SDG 3
- Clean Water & Sanitation – SDG 6
- Sustainable Cities & Communities – SDG 11
More information and full T&Cs can be found at
IoT Week, 17-21 June 2019, Aarhus, Denmark
Marketplaces IoT Week (by AIOTI WG2 and WG12) – Nuances of Marketplaces. Energy, Smart Cities and Beyond. Energy Marketplaces in 2030: perspectives and challenges. The focus is on multimodality in energy and mobility as well as nuances of security and trust (including blockchains & DLTs), customer engagement, the social and economic impact. Event details. |
IoT Tech Expo
19-20 June 2019, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Event details
June 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Event details
28th International Conference on Information Systems Development
28-30 August 2019, Toulon, France
Event details
Impact of the IoT
24 October 2019, Bucharest, Romania
Event details
European Conference on Ambient Intelligence
13-15 November 2019, Rome
Event details
Working Group News & Meetings
See the AIOTI Calendar of Meetings here. |
AIOTI Recommendation for IoT Smart Living Environments – healthy ageing solutions
AIOTI WG05 Smart Living Environments for Ageing Well published its Recommendations for healthy ageing solutions in a paper entitled “IoT for Smart Living Environments.” The full report can be read here. |