Webinar: promoting White Paper Supporting Ecosystem Engagement for Sustainable Innovation empowered by IoT and Edge Computing
AIOTI organised on 07.1. a webinar to present and promote the AIOTI WG Innovation Ecosystems prepared a White Paper Supporting Ecosystem Engagement for Sustainable Innovation empowered by IoT and Edge Computing.
The full document can be found here.
The presentation from the webinar can be downloaded here and the recording of the webinar here.
11 new testbeds added in AIOTI catalogue
AIOTI WG Testbeds updated its testbeds catalogue by adding 11 more testbeds, bringing the total number close to 60. The latest update can be checked here.
AI for better health
AIOTI WG Health published its White Paper on AI for better health. The white paper can be found here.
Role of IoT and Edge Computing in addressing biodiversity and environmental monitoring
AIOTI WG Agriculture published its paper Role of IoT and Edge Computing in addressing biodiversity and environmental monitoring. The paper can be found here.
White Paper Business Impact of IoT in Manufacturing Industries R1.1
AIOTI WG Manufacturing has published a new release of its White Paper Business Impact of IoT in Manufacturing Industries. The white paper can be downloaded here.
Paper Leveraging IoT and Edge Computing Infrastructures to foster Energy Flexibilities through next energy sectorial integration R1.0
AIOTI WG Energy finalised paper on Leveraging IoT and Edge Computing Infrastructures to foster Energy Flexibilities through next energy sectorial integration R1.0. The paper can be downloaded here.
During December, AIOTI representatives participated and speak at the following events:
IoT Tech Expo Global – Tanya Suarez, AIOTI Management Board Member (BluSpecs)
Joining forces for Blockchain Standardisation – Ismail Aribas (Bule Future Organisation), Tom De Block, AIOTI Steering Board Vice-Chair (Nearcom), Jovan Glavonjic (VizLore Labs)
StandICT.EU Walk & Talk Webinar – Digital Transformation through Standardisation: IoT and Edge – Georgios Karagiannis, AIOTI WG Standardisation Chair (Huawei), Orfeas Voutyras (ICCS)
AIOTI Events:
AIOTI SRIA Presentation Workshop, 26 January, Brussels (TBC)
IoT World Solution Congress, Barcelona, Spain 31 January – 2 February 2023
50% discount for Full Congress Pass for your members
Unlimited code XN5FMCLQ
Link https://registration.firabarcelona.com/?cod_prom=XN5FMCLQ#/en_GB/J121023/WEB
Smart Networks and Services – Second Work Programme launched
The programme and more information can be found here.
Stand.ICT 9th open call for experts
At the heart of this objective is the StandICT.eu Fellowship Programme, which through a series of 9 Open Calls, will provide 3 million Euro through a cascade grant process to support and incentivise participation of European standardisation specialists in key international and global SDOs and consortia.
The topics for the StandICT.eu 2023 calls are defined through continuous monitoring and careful analysis of the international ICT standards landscape through liaison with Standards Development Organisations (SDOs) and Standard Setting Organisations (SSOs), key organisations such as the EU Multistakeholder Platform For ICT Standardisation, and its prestigious EAG- Expert Advisory Group and EUOS Foresight Committee, as well as industry-led groups, to pinpoint gaps and priorities matching EU DSM objectives.
Hexa-X Workshop 18/19 January 2023
Hexa-X and other European ICT-52 Projects are organizing a virtual ICT-52 Workshop on 6G open to all on January 18th and 19th, 2023.
Agenda and registration form are available at Hexa-X – ICT 52 Workshop on 6G 2023