Webinar: Leveraging IoT and Edge Computing Infrastructures to foster Energy Flexibilities through next energy sectorial integration
AIOTI organised on 28.02. workshop to present AIOTI WG energy paper Leveraging IoT and Edge Computing Infrastructures to foster Energy Flexibilities through next energy sectorial integration. The full document can be found here. Over 100 participants listened to AIOTI experts and shared the discussion.
The presentation from the webinar can be downloaded here and the recording of the webinar here.
At the end of this month, AIOTI has 195 members.
IoT LSP standard framework concept
AIOTI WG Standardisation prepared the third release of the report IoT LSP Standard Framework Concepts. The full document can be found here.
The report introduces IoT Standards Developing Organisation (SDO), Alliance and Open Source Software (OSS) landscapes to be used as input for the recommendations for Large Scale Pilots (LSPs) standard framework and gap analysis.
Joint industry statement on the EU Data Act
AIOTI has co-signed joint industry statement on the EU Data Act.
The statement can be found here.
During this month, AIOTI representatives participated and speak at the following events:
Webinar Shaping the uptake of cloud-to-edge based services to support industrial use cases, 6 February
Tom De Block, AIOTI Steering Board Vice-Chair represented AIOTI.
Webinar Edge computing – Energy management & smart grids Opportunities for the EU, 9 February
AIOTI Events:
AIOTI Webinar: AI for better health, 14 March, 15.00h CET, online
AIOTI Signature event 2023, 10 October, Area42, Rue des Palais 46, 1030 Brussels, Belgium
Please register here.
Privacy Symposium, 17-21 April 2023, Venice, Italy
IoT Week 2023, 19-22 June 2023, Berlin, Germany
IEEE COINS 2023, 23-25 July, Berlin, Germany
IEEE World IoT Forum 2023, 12-27 October 2023, Aveiro, Portugal
Launch of Blockchain4Belgium
Belgium is a #SmartNation. Secretary of State for Digitalization, Mathieu Michel, wants to clarify the debate on the challenges of Web3, blockchain and digital assets. That is why we are launching Blockchain4Belgium! Web3, blockchain & digital assets a huge potential The rise of blockchain is a hot topic. Citizens, politicians and the corporate world alike fail to grasp what’s at stake.The full announcement is available here.
The 6G Architecture Landscape – European Perspective
This white paper summarizes the main findings from the European research landscape on the vision of the 6G architecture. Such a design vision is derived from around 45 projects starting from October 2020 in all relevant areas of 5G while paving the way towards 6G, within the 5G Public Private-Partnership (5G PPP) in the scope of the European Framework for Research and Innovation (the list of contributing projects can be obtained from the 5G PPP website at https://5g-ppp.eu/5g-ppp-phase-3-projects/.). At present, the European networking research community has started a new program along with 33 projects on the Smart Networks and Service (SNS) programme that will focus on 5G advanced and 6G. The 5G/B5G Architecture Working Group (WG), as part of the 5G PPP Initiative, is identifying and capturing novel trends and key technological enablers for the realization of the 5G and 6G architecture. The main findings and results of the Architecture WG are now captured in this white paper, which presents a consolidated view from European perspective on the technical directions for the architecture design in the 6G era.Available at: https://5g-ppp.eu/white-papers/ or https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7313232