Beginning of the year message
We wish you all the best in 2024.For the start, we would like to share with you what is ahead of us in this year, as we usually do at the beginning of each year.
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and Projects
- Collaborations between AIOTI members facilitated
We continue the work of promoting our strategic research and innovation agenda (SRIA) preparing for the Work Programme of Horizon Europe 2025/26 and beyond.
The facilitation in consortia building that started in 2021 with Horizon Europe calls will be continued and we will strive to find and provide more funding opportunities for our members.
AIOTI started to actively participate in EU funded projects, and we will continue to do so this year, on a case by case basis where it brings impact and value.
We have been able to contribute to the future needs for advanced skills for IoT across the industry through our work in the LEADS project. Some of the results can be checked in the LEADS Gap Analysis 2023.In 2024, we will be leading work on agreeing global standardization roadmaps for IoT with the US, Australia, Japan, Canada, South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore as part of the INSTAR project team. If you are active in international standardization and would like to get involved, please reach out to our Secretary General.
Collaborations and Partnerships
- Strong contributions to SNS as they continue to take shape
On collaborations, we will continue our participation in 6G IA, continuing work on the SNS partnership, the third call will be announced on 16 January, based on the work programme 2024. We also expect updates of the SNS SRIA to be finalised in Q2.
We were contributing actively to the Transcontinuum Initiative, and we will continue the work this year, on both contributing to use cases and participating in projects, such as Destination Earth.
We will continue to build useful partnerships and expand collaboration in existing ones, that we achieved in 2023 (GeSI, Digital with purpose, EIT Manufacturing, one6G).
We had a very successful last year, bringing 27 topical deliverables across 10 working groups.
We will continue with strong contributions this year, including the promotion of our vision document for the upcoming European elections in 2024, where we set out priorities from the AIOTI perspective.
- Successful Signature event: Computing Continuum: The Next Frontier of the IoT, Edge and Web 3.0. If you missed it, you can access the recording here
Our signature event had its fifth edition last year and we plan to have a sixth physical edition in September in an updated and expanded format of two days called AIOTI Days. We plan to use the event to show our substantial progress from the last edition in October 2023, and where we have impact. We will also continue with the AIOTI Award in three categories: research/academia, SME and corporate to reward the good work of our community.
We will continue with bi-monthly events having an interesting external speaker, discussion with our partners as well as to share with members internal work that has cross-domain elements. We start on 20 February so please join us.
We initiated in 2022 Business Forum to provide our members with the opportunity to present themselves and discuss possible business opportunities. Last year 15 members presented their work. We will continue this year with monthly sessions. In case of interest to present, please express your interest in presenting your organisation here.
We organised ten topical webinars last year, around key deliverables or our working groups and we will continue this year.
Strengthened organisation
- Continuous alignment to achieve the impact
We hope you find this impactful and that you will join the leadership in achieving the best outcomes for our members this year, your support is most welcomed and needed.We continue our Digital Innovation Hub network, SCoDIHNet. We will continue developing this network in particular supporting the network in bidding for Digital Europe projects.
We aligned our structure aligned last year, to ensure continuity of work and focus on key themes of interest where we can make a clear difference and impact. We will renew the leadership of all WGs and both Boards.
We have a stable membership, showing the value and impact that AIOTI can bring to diverse members of our community.
Jürgen Sturm
AIOTI Management Board Chairman
SCoDIHNet Monthly News
SCoDIHNet is now running since 4 years and time has come to review the membership fo the network since many organisations are no more active and representatives are not actively involved in DIH activities. At the end of 2023, network had 93 registered organisations. A survey has been put in place to check the relevance of their activities to SCoDIHNet.
SCoDIHNet has established numerous cooperations and offers many services to DIHs, and after the review of the membership, SCoDIHNet will focus on the most important services expected by the members. A survey has been put in place to collect the 5 key services among the 33 existing services that SCoDIHNet will then focus on.
An updated version of the SCoDIHNet flyer describing in 2 pages the main activities has been prepared to help interested organisations and communities to better understand the role of the network.
Collection of replicable use cases/solutions is still ongoing with the SNS JU call Phase 1 projects, that will complement the existing catalogue when developed and experimented in real conditions. The vertical tracker put in place by the SNS OPS projects is helping to identify these use cases/solutions.
INSTAR Project Kick-off, Brussels, 23 January
INSTAR | International Cooperation for Digital Standardisation project where AIOTI is a participant had a kick-off in Brussels. It is led by BluSpecs, with the participation of TU Delft, Trust-ICT, Fraunhofer, fortiss, Trialog and AIT among AIOTI members as well as Demokritos.
At the end of this month, AIOTI has 183 members.
High Priority IoT Standardisation Gaps and Relevant SDOs Report R3
AIOTI WG Standardisation has published High Priority IoT Standardisation Gaps and Relevant SDOs Release 3.0.
This report introduces an approach for the definition and identification of key IoT gaps in several initiatives. Based on the prioritisation of these gaps, the deliverable starts to address the work done within the relevant Standards Developing Organisations (SDOs) that need to cooperate in order to solve these gaps.
The key purpose of this report is to reflect a structured discussion within the AIOTI WG Standardisation and to provide consolidated technical elements as well as guidance and recommendations on identified IoT gaps.
This release of the report can be considered as a complete new version, where some of the gap analysis concepts introduced in the AIOTI report “High Priority IoT Standardisation Gaps and Relevant SDOs Release 2.0” have been reused.
The full report can be found here, and addendum to the report here.
Workshop: Accelerating standardisation in the nexus of mobility, buildings and energy
Organised in cooperation with the European Commission, DG CONNECT, Internet of Things Unit and HSBooster EU funded project.*
As Europe strives for net-zero emissions, clean electrification emerges as the most cost-effective solution to reach that target. The development of open standards is pivotal for driving the twin transition and accelerating the green transformation in mobility and energy and opening up for a vibrant ecosystem.
The widespread adoption of digital technologies across key sectors like energy, e-mobility and home/buildings as well as to the creation of new business models are instrumental for massive integration of renewables, feeding charging stations for electric vehicles with green energy and managing volatility and flexibility in the distribution grid.
The lack of standardization not only complicates integration of connected energy assets, but also gives challenges on (real-time) monitoring and optimization, for example aligning flexibility signals received from the grid operator (e.g. in terms of price signals) with the smart control strategies of a charging point or a heat pump. Asset integration, harmonisation of interfaces and even better striving for open, standardised APIs, data sets and protocols are important in the long-run to effectively operate aggregated groups of connected energy assets at the edge of the network.
The workshop forms part of the Commission’s strategy on Edge Computing . The event explores means to foster collaboration between different domains and relevant industry stakeholders, the objective is to extract concrete suggestions for the implementation of relevant EU funded projects and support the implementation of the up-coming Pilots on emerging Smart IoT Platforms and decentralized intelligence (closing 19 March 2024).
* HSbooster.eu has received funding from the EU’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 101058391
AIOTI Webinar: Presenting IoT and Edge Computing Carbon Footprint Measurement Methodology Report
7 February, 15.00-16.30h CET, Link to join
ECS Brokerage Event 2024 on 20-21 February in Brussels
The ECS Brokerage Event 2024 will take place on 20-21 February in Brussels. It is co-organized by AENEAS, EPoSS and INSIDE Industry Associations and it is an excellent opportunity to foster and take advantage of synergies with the Chips JU.
You are welcome to propose project ideas that can be displayed on posters and/or pitched on stage. The event is intended to trigger proposals for the Chips Call 2024 which will open early February.
For all details of the event, please visit https://aeneas-office.org/2023/12/04/ecs-brokerage-event-2024/ (note that there is limited space, and this is networking event which can only be on-site, so registration needs to be done fast).
AIOTI Calendar of meetings and events 2024
The 6G series workshop by Hexa-X-II – February 13-14
Join Hexa-X-II and recognized experts worldwide at the 6G Series Workshop which will take place on February 13-14th online.
Register at The 6G series workshop by Hexa-X-II Feb 2024 and find there all the information to join.
The first session will be dedicated to 6G view from a strategic and political standpoint, worldwide, followed by specific sessions on the most relevant and interesting topics on the race towards 6G. The workshop is supported also by the CSA project SNS ICE.
International Workshop on 6G Architecture (6GArch) – Call for Papers
Co-located with IEEE WCNC’24, 21-24 April 2024, Dubai, UAEThis workshop is organised by the 5G PPP Architecture work group. You are invited to submit your research outcomes. For more information on the scope of the workshop, consult the attached call for papers.Important Dates
Paper submission is closed.
Prof. Dr. Marco Gramaglia (University Carlos III of Madrid, UC3M, Spain), Dr. Ömer Bulakci (Nokia, Germany), Dr. Xi Li (NEC, Germany), & Anastasius Gavras (Eurescom, Germany)
EuCNC & 6G Summit – Call for Papers, Posters, Workshops, Special Sessions, Tutorials and Demos
03-06 June 2024
Antwerp, Belgium
The 2024 EuCNC & 6G Summit builds on putting together two successful conferences in the area of telecommunications: EuCNC (European Conference on Networks and Communications), supported by the European Commission, and the 6G Summit, originated from the 6G Flagship programme in Finland, one of the very first in its area.
The conference focuses on all aspects of telecommunications ranging from 5G deployment and mobile IoT to 6G exploration and future communications systems and networks, including experimentation and testbeds, and applications and services.
It brings together cutting-edge research and world-renown industries and businesses, globally attracting in the last years more than 900 delegates from more than 40 countries all over the world, to present and discuss the latest results, and an exhibition with more than 50 exhibitors, for demonstrating the technology developed in the area, namely within research projects from EU R&I programmes.
Important Dates:
- 2024 Mar 08 – Deadline for submission of extended abstracts for posters
- 2024 Mar 08 – Notification of acceptance of workshops, special sessions and tutorials
- 2024 Apr 01 – Notification of acceptance of papers and posters
- 2024 Apr 12 – Final paper submission
The conference will include:
- regular sessions with papers from the open call (to be submitted to IEEE Xplore), the call being available at https://eucnc.eu/call-for-papers;
- workshops, the call being available at https://eucnc.eu/call-for-workshops;
- special sessions, the call being available at https://eucnc.eu/call-for-special-sessions;
- poster sessions, the call being available at https://eucnc.eu/call-for-posters;
- tutorials, the call being available at https://eucnc.eu/call-for-tutorials;
- panels, https://eucnc.eu/panels;
- keynote talks, https://eucnc.eu/keynotes;
- demos and exhibitions, the call being available at https://eucnc.eu/call-for-exhibitors-demos;
- technical pitches at coffee breaks by exhibitors.
Ingrid Moerman (imec – Univ. Ghent, Belgium) & Johann Marquez-Barja (imec – Univ. Antwerp, Belgium) & Ari Pouttu (Univ. Oulu / 6G Flagship, Finland )