Apr 5-7, 2022, Venice, Italy
www.privacysymposium.org—– Goal —–The Privacy Symposium is an international conference established to present and discuss original and innovative research results and technology developments related to personal data protection and compliance with data protection legislations. To this end, it brings together legal and technology experts together with researchers, data protection authorities and professionals to share their knowledge and to support international dialogue and cooperation. The Call for Papers intends to identify original research results and innovative approaches to address the challenges related to data protection compliance, including with regards to innovative technologies.—– We aim to encourage wide academic and industry participation – multidisciplinary perspectives are welcome —–
The Call for Papers covers a wide range of topics, including multidisciplinary approaches, arbitration and balance in data protection, international law and comparative law in data protection and compliance, data subject rights, emerging technologies compliance with data protection regulation, technology for compliance and data protection, cybersecurity and data protection measures, audit and certification, data protection best practices across verticals, data protection economics and other industry sectors.
We welcome multidisciplinary contributions bringing together legal, technical and societal expertise, including theoretical, analytical, empirical, and case studies.
Track 1: Law and Data Protection
• Multidisciplinary approaches, arbitration and balance in data protection: arbitration in data protection law and compliance, multi-stakeholder and multi-disciplinary approaches in data protection and compliance.
• International law and comparative law in data protection and compliance: cross-border data transfer approaches and solutions, international evolution of data protection regulations, international evolution of compliance regulations and norms, comparative law analysis in data protection domain, comparative law analysis in compliance domain, international law development in data protection domain, international law development in compliance, Interaction between regulations, standards, and soft law in data protection.
• Data subject rights: right to be informed, right to access and rectify personal data, right to restrict or object to the processing of personal data, right to limit access, processing and retention of their personal data , right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, right to withdraw consent at any time, right to data portability, delegation and representation of data subjects’ rights, effective processes, implementations and monitoring of data, automated mechanisms and tools to support data subjects’ rights and consent management.
Track 2: Technology and Compliance
• Emerging technologies compliance with data protection regulation: emerging technologies and data protection compliance, data protection compliant technologies, artificial Intelligence, compliance and data protection, blockchain and distributed ledger technology, 5G and beyond, data protection by design.
• Data protection compliance in Internet of Things, edge, and cloud computing: enabling data protection compliance in networking technologies, impact of extreme edge on privacy, network virtualization, seamless compliance from edge to core in multi-tenant environments.
• Technology for compliance and data protection: privacy enhancing technologies (PET), anonymization and pseudonymization, privacy by default, innovative legal tech and compliance technology, compliance standardization and interoperability, data sovereignty.
Track 3: Cybersecurity and Data Protection
• Cybersecurity and data protection measures: technical and organizational measures for data protection , making cybersecurity, privacy and data protection by design and by default; authentication, digital identities, cryptography, network inspection; GDPR compliance, evaluation of the state-of-the-art technology compliance with data protection, cyber crime and data protection, identity theft and identity usurpation.
Track 4: Data Protection in Practice
• Audit and certification: audit and certification methodologies, innovative solutions and services for audit and certification.
• Data protection best practices across verticals: health, med tech and data protection, mobility, connected vehicles and data protection, smart cities and data protection, industry and supply chain (i.e. food) and data protection, data protection in the telecommunication sector.
• Data protection economics: data protection market analysis, economic models and impact of data protection, data protection compliance and financial valuation, legal tech, compliance tech and economic impact, economic impact of international convergence in data protection, data protection regulations impact on market unintended harms of cyber security measures.
This year’s edition of the Privacy Symposium Call for Papers will feature the Special Session Proposal Submissions: The Privacy Symposium will be hosting a series of special sessions and invites the submission of special session proposals. They should emphasize on current topics relevant to the data protection and compliance community on the latest research, studies, innovations, societal and business issues and should include a mix of regular and invited presentations. Special Sessions should complement the regular program with new and emerging topics of interest.
More details on the conference are available online at: www.privacysymposium.org
********************* Submission guidelines and instructions *********************
The Privacy Symposium solicits submission of original papers (unpublished) for:
- Academic papers will typically adopt a more theoretical approach and will ideally inform academics as well as practitioners (up to 20 pages).
- Industry papers address relevant topics from a more practical perspective and should also help ‘ground’ academic research (up to 20 pages).
- Short papers and work-in-progress papers report and discuss ongoing activities or report new ideas or early work in progress (up to 10 pages).
Submitted papers must not be currently under review in any other conference or journal and has not been previously published. Submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of 12 printed pages using standard LNCS format including figures, without incurring additional page charges (maximum 2 additional pages, with over-length page fee).
Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and the Springer-Link Digital Library. They will also be indexed by leading Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases like Scopus, DBLP, ISI, Google Scholar, etc. Papers of particular merit will be recommended for a possible special issue in an international journal. There will also be best papers awards.
All submitted papers must conform to the LNCS Formatting Guidelines. Authors are invited to use either the LNCS’s Latex template or MS Word Template available via this link: https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines
Only PDF files will be accepted for the review process and all submissions must be done through Easychair online submission system at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=privino2022
Privacy Symposium conference series takes the protection of intellectual property seriously. Accordingly, all submissions will be screened for plagiarism using a plagiarism tool. By submitting your work, you agree to allow Springer to screen your work.
More details on the conference are available online at: www.privacysymposium.org
—– Important dates —–
Submission due: Sept 30, 2021
Notification of acceptance: Dec 20, 2021
Final paper due: Feb 15, 2022
Conference Date: Apr 5-7, 2022
—– The Programme Committee —–
General Chair: Dr Sébastien Ziegler, European Centre for Certification and Privacy (ECCP) / IoT Forum
TPC Chair: Dr Stefan Schiffner, University of Luxembourg
Steering committee: Dr Stefan Schiffner, University of Luxembourg, Prof. Paolo Balboni, European Centre for Privacy and Cybersecurity (ECPC), Natalie Bertels, KU Leuven Centre for IT and IP Law, Luca Bolognini, Italian Institute for Privacy, University of Maastricht, Prof. Andrew Charlesworth, University of Bristol, Dr Afonso Ferreira, CNRS-IRIT, Prof. Romeo Kadir, Latif Ladid, University of Luxembourg, University of Utrecht, Prof. Antonio Skarmeta, University of Murcia, Geert Somers, Timelex, Dr Sébastien Ziegler, European Centre for Certification and Privacy (ECCP).
TPC Members list is maintained on the conference website.