AIOTI webinar: presenting Open Call Opportunities
AIOTI organized a webinar on 7 June, presenting the open call opportunities.
The recording of the webinar can be found here and the presentations here.
Webinar: presenting White Paper A Replicability and Scalability Assessment tool
AIOTI Task Force Replicability and Scalability has prepared a White Paper A Replicability and Scalability Assessment tool which was presented on the 27th of June.
The Replicability and Scalability initiative has the objective to facilitate the reusage of IoT and Edge computing use cases and solutions developed in European funded projects. A number of projects are developing and experimenting use cases and solutions that could be advantageously replicated in other locations in order to avoid reinventing the wheel syndrome.
For that purpose, the Replicability and Sustainability AIOTI Task Force has decided to work on an assessment tool able to qualify each use case /solution in terms of replicability level in order to give relevant information to developers that are willing to replicate them.
This white paper is proposing a methodology as well as a tool (questionnaire) that allow an accurate study of use case / Solution. It covers 5 dimensions that need to be addressed to qualify a result and it has been developed in cooperation with the Horizon Result Platform and the Horizon Result Booster projects with the objective to use it for other sectors.
A questionnaire has been developed based on the topics identified for each dimension, this questionnaire will be used to define the replicability level of a specific solution. For each question a number of points is allocated and the level will be defined according to a minimum number of points. These levels will be fixed after a pilot which will help to identify the relevant thresholds.
Please find the paper here, the recording of the webinar here and webinar presentation here.
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
At the end of this month, AIOTI has 186 members.
White Paper IoT and Crisis Preparedness
The main objective of this vision paper is to identify the steps to be followed to develop societal resilience toward short-term and long-term risks. The purpose is to showcase the best practices and insights needed to (1) SENSE, (2) RESPOND, (3) DEFEND, and (4) RECOVER within the IoT domain by involving all key stakeholders of this value chain. According to the World Health Organization, the emergency cycle is divided into four different phases: (1) Prevent; (2) Prepare; (3) Respond, and (4) Recover. Hence, this whitepaper aims to cover the four phases of emergency management as an integrated overview of four different fields of threats: 1. Pandemics and other Health-related threats, 2. Natural Disasters, 3. Cyber Attacks, and 4. Attacks on Public Spaces.
The full paper can be found here.
White Paper Replicability and Scalability Assessment Tool
AIOTI FG Innovation Ecosystems published WhitePaper Replicability and Scalability Assessment Tool.
The Replicability and Scalability initiative has the objective to facilitate the reusage of IoT and Edge computing use cases and solutions developed in European funded research projects. A number of projects are developing and experimenting use cases and solutions that could be advantageously replicated in other locations in order to avoid “reinventing the wheel syndrome”.
For that purpose, the AIOTI Task Force Replicability and Sustainability developed an assessment tool able to qualify each use case/solution in terms of replicability level in order to give relevant information to developers that are willing to replicate them.
This white paper is proposing a methodology as well as a tool (questionnaire) that allow an accurate study of use case/solution. It covers 5 dimensions that need to be addressed to qualify a result and it has been developed in cooperation with the Horizon Result Platform and the Horizon Result Booster projects with the objective to use it in other domains than IoT and Edge Computing.
A questionnaire has been developed based on the topics identified for each dimension, this questionnaire will be used to define the replicability level of a specific solution. For each question a number of points is allocated and the level will be defined according to a minimum number of points. Three levels have been pre-defined (High replicability, Medium replicability and Low replicability). They will be adjusted after running a specific pilot which will help to identify the relevant thresholds.
A pilot will be conducted with the Smart Network and Services call 1 projects which are ready to collaborate in order to get an idea of the replicability of the development planned in their respective projects.
During this month, AIOTI representatives participated and speak at the following events:
Tanya Suarez AIOTI Management Board Member moderated at The Economist Metaverse Summit.Natalie Samovich WG Energy Chair participated on the panel of InnoGrid Between urgency and energy transition: getting the balance right.
Georgios Karagiannis WG Standardisation Chair participated at the panel on the EUCnC conference.
Francois Fischer, WG Mobility Chair was speaking at Workshop Edge DG Connect & DECISION.
AIOTI Events:
AIOTI Web3 Hackathon, 21 – 22 September, U – Residence, 271 Boulevard Géneral Jacques, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
Please register here.
AIOTI Signature event 2023, 10 October, Area42, Rue des Palais 46, 1030 Brussels, Belgium
Please register here.
The 2023 edition of the ETSI IoT Conference –IoT Technologies for Green and Digital Transformation, will take place on 4-6 July 2023 in ETSI premises, Sophia Antipolis, France.We are pleased to announce that the detailed programme including the ETSI IoT Conference agenda and list of demonstrations is available online.This gathering of IoT experts has become the must-attend event for anyone involved in IoT and who understands the importance of standard-enabled technologies for IoT service deployments.The 2023 edition will be structured around the following sessions:
- IoT Empowering Green Transformation
- Semantic Technologies in Action in the European Context and SAREF On The Move
- oneM2M: The IoT Standard Enabling the Digital Transformation
- The Role of MEC in IoT Digital Transformation
- Digital Twin: The Key to Digital Transformation
- Standard Technologies for Distributed Monitoring and Data Exchange in Smart Seaports
- Experiencing IoT
- IoT Cyber Security Standardization
Several demonstrations showcasing IoT use cases and technologies will be available during the event. Attendees will have the opportunity to visit the demos during the conference coffee and lunch breaks.
Register now! Participation to the event is free of charge upon registration.
Attending the face-to-face event in ETSI is a unique opportunity to come together to exchange with experts, network with other IoT stakeholders, visit the demonstrations, and actively contribute to the shaping of future IoT solutions and standards.
Full event information is available here.
Virtual workshop on ‘What should a Local Digital Twin (LDT) toolbox look like?’ , 12 July 2023, Online
The Digitalisation of Energy Action Plan adopted on 18 October 2022, called for the development of a Common European Reference Framework, including an open-source reference implementation, for a consumer application that allows for voluntary reductions in energy consumption and thereby help reduce energy costs.
To support this work, DG CONNECT initiated the DIGITAL call for the EU Energy Saving Reference Framework – launched on 11 May 2023, open until 26 September 2023. The objective of this call for proposals is to establish and promote the widespread adoption of a Common European Reference Framework (CERF) for energy-saving applications throughout the EU. This framework will include an open-source reference implementation, for energy and cost saving consumer applications. This reference framework is designed for integration into both commercial and non-commercial applications.
The current brokerage event aims to create a forum for potential applicants to discuss ideas and cooperation opportunities, as well as to clarify potential questions they might have with regard the call text.
The first part of the event will be dedicated to the presentation of the call by the European Commission representatives, followed by a Q&A session. During the second part of the event attendees are encouraged to share proposal ideas for the call, which may constitute opportunities for consortia formation, and present pitches, as well as information on organisations willing to contribute to the preparation of proposals.
Please inform us by the 26 of June 2023 regarding your willingness to present a pitch (3 minutes) and/or information on your organisation as potential consortium partner (1 minute), at CNECT-E4@ec.europa.eu
Register here for the event.
Digital with purpose global summit, 27-29 September 2023, Lisbon, Portugal
The Summit is a flagship event for digital leaders and convening public and private sector decision-makers to accelerate the use and uptake of digital innovations that benefit society and achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.
The DWP Global Summit 2022 was monumental in establishing a renewed commitment to enacting a positive change in the world. The participants and the speakers alike inspired us to act with purpose and a new sense of urgency in mind. For the DWP Global Summit 2023, we have an impressive lineup of interesting topics, exciting speakers, and committed actions for you.
Our website also has many resources for you to explore, including videos and sessions from our last summit. To become a Digital with Purpose certified organisation or for any queries, please contact us at info@digitalwithpurpose.org.
We are excited to announce that, as part of the 2nd edition of the Digital with Purpose Global Summit, the Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) and the Digital with Purpose (DWP) Movement will organize the Digital with Purpose Global Award.
· Contributes to at least one of the SDGs
· Is deployed in the marketplace
· Provides a specific, not generic, solution
· Is resource and cost-efficient
The 9th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2023) seeks submissions and proposals for original technical papers and presentations that address the Internet of Things (IoT), its theoretical and technological building blocks, the applications that drive the growth and evolution of IoT, operational considerations, experimentation, experiences from deployments, and the impacts of IoT on consumers, the research community, the public sector, and commercial verticals.
The theme for WFIoT2023 is “The Blue Planet: A Marriage of Sea and Space”, encouraging the submissions of content aimed at exploring how IoT technologies, applications, and solutions relying on a wide ecosystem spanning space, aerial, ground, and maritime networks and harnessing the latest emerging technology trends can be leveraged for the benefit of society and humanity.
Papers should address, but are not limited to, the following high-level topics:
Application and Use Cases
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Technologies
- Big Data Algorithms and Analysis
- Bioengineering and IoT
- Cloud, Fog, and Embedded Computing
- Communication, Networking and Broadcast Technologies
- Components, Circuits, Electronic Systems, and Signal Processing
- Computer Storage and Data Systems
- Cybersecurity, Security, Privacy, and Trust
- Digital Twins in IoT Applications
- Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
- Human-machine interfaces
- Impact of IoT on the Engineering Professions and on the Society
- IoT Technologies in the Maritime Environment
- Power, Energy, and Industrial Applications
- Results from Experiments, Demonstrations, Trials, and Deployments
- Robotics and Control Systems • Sensors and Networked Sensor Systems
- Space Based Communications and Remote Sensing
- Standards and Regulation
- Transportation, Connected Vehicles, and Multi-modal Systems
- Systems Engineering and Operation Technologies
- Theoretical Foundations, Design Methods, and Architectural Considerations
All accepted Peer-Reviewed Technical Papers will be included in the proceedings (IEEE Xplore). For more information, visit the IEEE WF-IoT 2023 Website:
4th International Symposium on the Internet of Sounds (IS2 2023), 26-27 October 2023, Pisa, Italy
The Internet of Sounds is an emerging research field positioned at the intersection of the Internet of Things and the Sound and Music Computing domains. The symposium will bring together academics and industry to investigate and advance the development of Internet of Sounds technologies by using cutting-edge tools and processes. The event will consist of oral presentations, keynotes, poster presentations, demonstrations, as well as tutorials.
The event is co-organised by the University of Pisa and Cubit Innovation Labs.
Paper submission is open until 15 July 2023.
Registrations will open in August.
Various packages, which include admission to the conference, are available to those interested in sponsoring the event.
In such a case, please contact is2@cubitlab.com.
Click here for more information:
New book: Towards Sustainable and Trustworthy 6G – Challenges, Enables and Architectural Design
Capitalizing on the 5G Public-Private-Partnership (5G PPP) Phase 3 projects and the join efforts between the Architecture Working Group and the flagship Hexa-X project, this book delves into the critical challenges and enablers of the 6G system, including new network architectures and novel enhancements as well as the role of regulators, network operators, industry players, application developers, and end-users.
Accordingly, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the current research activities on 6G and sets a solid cornerstone towards a more connected, intelligent, and sustainable world.
The book is available free of charge from 6 June 2023 at https://www.nowpublishers.com/article/BookDetails/9781638282389
EC Lithuanian 5G Sandbox initiative: 2 Calls
Ministry of Transport and Communications Sandbox initiative gaining momentum: EUR 24.5 million in support secured for promoting 5G-based innovation | Ministry of Transport and Communications (lrv.lt)
a press release on the Sandbox initiative from the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Lithuania.
We draw your attention to the following two calls, which are open also to organisations that are not from Lithuania:
The first Sandbox initiative, for which EUR 23.5 million in support has been allocated, is designed for consortia made up of private and public legal entities engaged in economic activities and higher education and research institutions. The maximum amount of support for one project is EUR 3 million. Applications can be submitted until 30 June.
The second Sandbox initiative is for start-ups – micro and small enterprises that have been registered with the Register of Legal Entities for no more than five years. The maximum amount of funding for one project is EUR 50,000. Applications can be submitted until 31 July.