In March, AIOTI welcomed the following members:
Collaboration: Memorandum of Collaboration signed with Big Data Value Association
AIOTI, BDVA and EFFRA signed bilateral declarations at the Digitising European Industry Stakeholder Forum to align their activities, roadmaps and outcomes on 27 March. These declarations come two years after the launch of the Digitising European Industry (DEI) initiative and are a key step towards more collaboration between different European partnerships.Two years after the launch of the DEI initiative, industry and policy makers get together at the DEI Stakeholder Forum 2018, an event co-organised by the European Commission and the French Ministry of Economy and Finance to show the progress made so far in digitisation of European industry and ensure that collaboration and financing efforts continue in the coming years and after 2020.
Within this context, the Big Data Value Association (BDVA) and the European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA), on one side, and the Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI) and BDVA on the other side, signed bilateral declarations to join forces towards common goals. These partnerships bring together key players in the development of new technology building blocks that will shape the way we live and work in, such as new data analysis methods, smart sensors, robot arms, 3D printers, etc.
In the Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) on Big Data and Factories of the Future, BDVA and EFFRA represent European industry and research. AIOTI is the key European alliance which brings together public and private actors in the area of the Internet of Things (IoT).
With the two bilateral declarations, the associations agree to cooperate in developing roadmaps, papers, pilots, events and other joint activities that can accelerate the use, integration and value creation of advanced digital technologies like 5G, High-Performance Computing, Cloud, IoT, Big Data, Edge Computing and Artificial Intelligence.
BDVA and AIOTI agreed on addressing international standardisation committees in a collaborative way, combining resources to develop skills and competencies in Big Data and IoT, and providing technological and entrepreneurship training initiatives.
The agreements show the importance of joining forces and mobilising resources while looking beyond the boundaries of business or technological areas. This cooperation will maximise the impact on digital technologies across full value chains through working towards common goals.
AIOTI IoT week Bilbao – General Assembly
AIOTI will lead two session at IoT week in Bilbao that will be held this year between 4 -7 June: on ‘Trust’ (planned for 7 June, 9.00-10.45h) and on Digital Innovation Hubs and the engagement of SME’s (planned for 7 June, 14.00-16.00h). AIOTI Chair was invited to speak on session on Smart City IoT Platform and Solutions Convergence and Interoperability, on 6 June (12.00-13.00).
AIOTI will also hold its annual General Assembly on 8 June in the morning in Bilbao so please save the date.
Shaping Europe’s Digital Future – High Performance Computing for Extreme Scale Scientific and Industrial Applications, Bulgarian Presidency event on High Performance Computing, 19 April 2018 at the National Palace of Culture, Sofia, Bulgaria
EIF The Impact of the Internet of Things on European industries, 24 April, Brussels
AIOTI Event – Nuances of Trust Workshop, 14-15 May, London
AIOTI Steering Board Meeting, 16 May, London
Working Group Updates
WG4 IoT Policies: AIOTI Discussion Paper on the EU Free Flow of non-personal Data was adopted and published. The paper can be found here. The group prepared draft paper on Cybersecurity Act that can be found here.
WG6 on Smart Farming: WG chair and members will participate and be speakers in the “smart agriculture” track of IoT Week. The WG issued a call for expression of interest for setting up a new task force in “smart aquaculture”.
Work stream on blockchain: Kick-off call on 20. March attended by 25 members. The next step will be a physical workshop on 10 April in Brussels (all AIOTI members are invited to participate, please confirm by 6 April your participation to Secretary General – sg@aioti.eu). Workshop will explore use cases and work items the work stream ill focus on, as well as expected deliverables and timeline.
SME News
EU Commission Study “Mapping EU’s innovation clusters”
The European Commission is running a study on mapping EU’s Internet of Things (IoT) innovative clusters.
In the context of this study, we launched a targeted survey to complement the findings coming from desk research as well as to identify any other missing IoT-clusters in the EU. In addition, with this survey, we aim to better understand the drivers and factors that have led to the establishment of already existing IoT innovation clusters in the European Union and acquire insight into their operations and performance. Finally, the survey will also allow the European Commission to determine any relevant future policy measures to support the EU’s IoT ecosystem.
We are sending you this email to kindly request your support in order to successfully run this online survey. Particularly, we would like to ask you to share this information with any European IoT company (especially SMEs) or research institute/organisation which could potentially be interested in participating in this survey.
You can find the link to the survey here.
Additional information
The outcome of this study will allow for the creation of an EU-wide information database, accessible to any IoT player in Europe. Furthermore, we are planning to create an online community which will bring together all relevant IoT players and will allow them to interact and be in direct contact with the European Commission.
The study is conducted by the Joint Institute for Innovation Policy (JIIP). The JIIP members are JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH , Tecnalia , TNO, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland LTD.KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft Germany has also been subcontracted for this study.
For any further information or clarification you may require, please contact us at mapping_IoT_innovation_clusters@joanneum.at.