

Interview to Government Quarterly “IoT development in the smart city revolution”

Kees van der Klauw, AIOTI Management Board Chair and Omar Elloumi (Nokia), WG Smart CIties Chair gave an interview to Government Quarterly “IoT development in the […]

Connected Smart Cities Conference 2019, 17 January 2019, Brussels

On 17th of January 2019, the Connected Smart Cities Conference 2019 is taking place in Brussels. The Connected Smart Cities Conference (CSCC) is the place for […]

AIOTI Newsletter December 2018

Seasonal Greetings AIOTI would like to thank you for all your hard work in 2018. We look forward to working together in 2019 and have another […]

2019 Series of IoT Webinars

After the 2018 Series of IoT Webinars, which was GDPR-Centric, we will now start with a new Series of IoT Security, Privacy & Trust Webinars. This […]

1st International Workshop on Smart Circular Economy, 30 May 2019

On May 30th, 2019 SMACE together with sponsors AIOTI, CEIoT and Ideal cities, are organising the 1st International Workshop on Smart Circular Economy, taking place on […]

AIOTI signed memorandum of understanding with ETP4HPC

AIOTI chairman of the Management Board Kees van der Klauw has signed on 6 December in Vienna on the margins of the ICT-2018 conference a memorandum […]

Joint Press Release Partnership to strengthen end-to-end digitalisation in Europe through for Future Networks/IoT partnership in Europe


Event: Cybersecurity Standardization and the Cybersecurity Act: Where are we today?” 21.01.2019., Brussels

ENISA, CEN, CENELEC and ETSI are pleased to announce a conference on “Cybersecurity Standardization and the Cybersecurity Act: Where are we today?” to be held on 21 […]

Webinar: Where (exactly) are my things? Learn how Galileo can empower your IoT solution – Presentation available

AIOTI and the European GNSS Agency held on 29 November a webinar “Where (exactly) are my things? Learn how Galileo can empower your IoT solution”. The […]