
Joint Press Release – “Joint 5G IA – AIOTI Vision on Future Networks, Services and Applications”

Brussels, 26 March, 2019 A further step to strengthen end-to-end digitalisation in Europe through collaboration between Smart Networks and IoT.   In December 2018 the Alliance for […]

5GIA-AIOTI Vision on Future Networks, Services and Applications

AIOTI is announcing its joint 5GIA-AIOTI Vision on Future Networks, Services and Applications. The vision document is entitled: “High societal and economic impact for potentials for […]

Multi Stakeholder Participation to Lead European Research and Innovation for Cybersecurity, European Files, March 2019

AIOTI Chair Kees van der Klauw contributed to the European Files Magazine March 2019 Issue: “Guaranteeing Cybersecurity: Ambitions for a European Cybersecure.” His contribution is entitled: […]

What could be the architecture that unlocks the true value of IoT-enabled Data Marketplaces?

By Omar Elloumi, Chair, Smart Cities, AIOTI; Tom De Block, Chair, Distributed Ledger Technologies, AIOTI; Natalie Samovich, Chair, Smart Energy, AIOTI Data Marketplaces enabling the exchange […]

AIOTI Report on IoT Relation and Impact on 5G

AIOTI’s Working Group on IoT Standardisation published a report on IoT relation and Impact on 5G. This report highlights several IoT vertical domain use cases collected […]

White paper: Market Drivers and High-Level Architecture for IoT enabled data market places

Data Marketplaces enabling the exchange of data sets and data streams are analogous to Digital Marketplaces such as eBay, an analogy made interesting by the fact […]

AIOTI participated on Connected Smart Cities Conference, 17 January 2019, Brussels

On 17th of January 2019, the Connected Smart Cities Conference 2019 took place in Brussels. The Connected Smart Cities Conference (CSCC) is the place for cities, […]

Digital Lighthouse Initiative – AIOTI Chair statement

AIOTI Chairman of the Management Board Kees van der Klauw was giving a short statement on AIOTI perspective of Digital Lighthouse Initiatives. The statement was given […]

What will keep the smart city industry busy in 2019?

As we enter 2019 and get ready for the Connected Smart Cities Conference 2019 this Thursday 17 January, the timing seems perfect to consider the technical and business […]