By joining AIOTI, you are helping to create the future of the European IoT and Edge Computing industry. Membership enables your organization to join resources with other experts to accelerate R&I, and to drive the kind of transformational change that individual companies struggle to achieve on their own.

Membership Benefits

All AIOTI members receive the following benefits:

  • Opportunity to influence the requirements development, technology adoption, and future direction of the IoT and Edge Computing by joining with leaders in technology, R&D and academia in AIOTI Groups.
  • Gain industry recognition through involvement in AIOTI Groups.
  • Access reports, white papers, industry scenarios and other deliverables produced by the AIOTI.
  • Be listed as an author/contributor of AIOTI technical and thought leadership publications.
  • Network with other members and industry experts to create collaborations and improve your business.


  • Participate and collaborate on EU funded projects that are relevant to you.
  • Create and lead new testbeds or join existing AIOTI member testbeds.
  • Secure public speaking opportunities through AIOTI events and events AIOTI supports.
  • Be supported by AIOTI in your own events.
  • Have your company logo displayed and a hotlink to your website.
  • Receive special discounts on third-party IoT and Edge Computing conferences, reports and subscriptions.

Our current organisation can be found here.

Membership Criteria

Full Member Criteria

Full Member can become any legal entity based in Europe cumulatively fulfilling the following criteria:

  • Having the legal personality and its registered office and a central or principal place of business in Europe;
  • Sharing and supporting the non-profit purpose and object of the Association;
  • Fulfilling one of the four following criteria:
    1. Being involved in Europe based research and development, innovation, demonstration, industrialisation, deployment or standardisation of technologies and services related to or relevant for the IoT and Edge Computing; or
    2. Contributing as a partner in EU research and innovation programmes projects; or
    3. Being a legal entity that, in accordance with its statutory purpose, through its activities enhances or gives direction to research and development, innovation, demonstration, industrialization, deployment or standardisation of technologies and services related to or relevant for the IoT and Edge Computing in Europe; or
    4. Being a legal entity that, in accordance with its statutory purpose, represents the interest of end-users of the IoT and Edge Computing in Europe, whether consumers or professional end-users.

Associate Member Criteria

Associate Member can become any legal entity not based in Europe or public administration bodies, cumulatively fulfilling the following criteria:

  • Not meeting the criteria to be eligible as a Full Member;
  • Being duly constituted in accordance with the laws and practices of its country of origin;
  • Having the legal personality;
  • Being active in the field of the IoT and Edge Computing and having a legitimate interest in the non-profit purpose and object of the Association; and
  • Supporting the work which forms the purpose of the Association, by its advice, influence, and activity.

Associate members have all rights as full members except to vote in the General Assembly.

Membership Fee

Full Member Fees

SME, university, association or

non-profit research institute:          1.300 EUR

Corporates:                                        3.000 EUR

Associate Member Fees

SME, university, association or

non-profit research institute:              1.000 EUR

Corporates:                                            2.400 EUR

Public administration bodies:                No fee

Fees are charged for 12 months period and renewed automatically, unless stated otherwise according to Article 10. of the AIOTI Articles of Association.

Membership Application Form