
White paper: Market Drivers and High-Level Architecture for IoT enabled data market places

Data Marketplaces enabling the exchange of data sets and data streams are analogous to Digital Marketplaces such as eBay, an analogy made interesting by the fact […]

AIOTI Newsletter January 2019

WELCOMING NEW MEMBERS Please join us in welcoming new AIOTI members: Eurofins Digital Testing Belgium Nearcom EooD The Convex Lens LTD Inov Inesc Inovação   At […]

AIOTI participated on Connected Smart Cities Conference, 17 January 2019, Brussels

On 17th of January 2019, the Connected Smart Cities Conference 2019 took place in Brussels. The Connected Smart Cities Conference (CSCC) is the place for cities, […]

Digital Lighthouse Initiative – AIOTI Chair statement

AIOTI Chairman of the Management Board Kees van der Klauw was giving a short statement on AIOTI perspective of Digital Lighthouse Initiatives. The statement was given […]

What will keep the smart city industry busy in 2019?

As we enter 2019 and get ready for the Connected Smart Cities Conference 2019 this Thursday 17 January, the timing seems perfect to consider the technical and business […]

Interview to Government Quarterly “IoT development in the smart city revolution”

Kees van der Klauw, AIOTI Management Board Chair and Omar Elloumi (Nokia), WG Smart CIties Chair gave an interview to Government Quarterly “IoT development in the […]

Connected Smart Cities Conference 2019, 17 January 2019, Brussels

On 17th of January 2019, the Connected Smart Cities Conference 2019 is taking place in Brussels. The Connected Smart Cities Conference (CSCC) is the place for […]

AIOTI Newsletter December 2018

Seasonal Greetings AIOTI would like to thank you for all your hard work in 2018. We look forward to working together in 2019 and have another […]

2019 Series of IoT Webinars

After the 2018 Series of IoT Webinars, which was GDPR-Centric, we will now start with a new Series of IoT Security, Privacy & Trust Webinars. This […]