AIOTI WG Standardisation prepared third release of the report IoT LSP Standard Framework Concepts. The full document can be found here.
The report introduces IoT Standards Developing Organisation (SDO), Alliance and Open Source Software (OSS) landscapes to be used as input for the recommendations for Large Scale Pilots (LSPs) standard framework and gap analysis. The LSPs can play an important role in investigating and solving specific challenges for the IoT industry and promoting innovation that is related to specific activities such as:
1) the applied standards framework,
2) deployments,
3) technological and business model validation and
4) acceptability.
The main objective of this deliverable is to briefly present the global dynamics and landscapes of IoT SDO, Alliance and OSS initiatives, which can be used:
1) to leverage on existing IoT standardization, industry promotion and implementation of standards and protocols,
2) as input for LSP standards framework and gap analysis and
3) to provide a guideline for the proponents of future project proposals associated with future IoT related calls financed by the EC on the positioning of these initiatives within these landscapes.