About SCoDIHNet
The SCoDIHNet initiative is supported by AIOTI and the 6G IA and supports Digital Innovation Hubs that provide services on 5G/6G, IoT, Cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence.
5G/6G, AI, IoT, and Edge Continuum are key technologies for developing the digitalization of the European industry, together with AI and cybersecurity, to ensure flexibility, adaptability, and end-to-end security.
The SCoDIHNet initiative is contributing to European Industry Digitalisation by helping companies improve their processes, products, and services through the use of connectivity technologies.
SCoDIHNet has 71 members from 18 European countries.
The DIH's belonging to the SCoDIHNet are providing support to the industry from a number of verticals in order to develop digital services which need smart connectivity technologies. Experiments in these vertical domains are expected at the DIH level.
The list of all DIH in SCoDIHNet could be found here.
The SCoDIHNet platform catalog is collecting all the technical platform used by DIHs to develop services and the possibility to share them remotely among DIHs.
SCoDIHNet Platform CatalogueThe SCoDIHNet is providing training courses to the DIH (train the trainers) on specific technical subjects on 5G, IoT.
This service will propose an online catalog with contacts in order to help DIH staff to train to specific 5G or IoT technologies.
This service will also propose to organise online training sessions on specific topics that have an interest for DIH staff but also for DIH “customers”. Webinars could also be organised on demand.
The SCoDIHNet initiative is a network of DIH, it does not run experiments but offer a number of services that helps DIH in their day to day operation. A paper published in June 2024 is presenting these 18 services classified in 4 domains:
Catalog of servicesA catalogue of Smart Connectivity technology providers coming from European clusters of experts (AIOTI, NetworldEurope, 6G-IA) has been designed and position on the map in order to get a quick view of the relevant stakeholders that DIHs could involve to develop innovations.
Link to the catalogueHow Digital Innovation Hubs could take advantage of the Large Scale Projects results to replicate use cases and solutions at the local level, webinar, 28.01.2021.
Replicability catalog Replicability Assessment ToolCollaborations
SCoDIHNet has developed a number of cooperations with other organisation that have common interests
- Enterprise Europe Network: European SMEs
- European Business and Innovation Centre Network
- Horizon Result Booster and Horizon Result Platform: Replicability and reusage of existing solutions
- DIH4Industry: Manufacturing DIHs network
- Digital Transformation Accelerator: The project in charge of the coordination of all EDIHs
- African DIH networks: Best practices exchange with African DIHs
- Center for Innovation Management Research: IoT technology watch
- OpenDEI project: Contribution to the task force in charge of Data-Powered Business Ecosystem Building to Foster collaboration, business interoperability between stakeholders
- DIH4AI: Artificial intelligence DIHs network
- Partnerships for Regional Innovation: 63 regions, seven cities and four Member States selected for Pilot Action
- Connecting European Facilities / 5G for Smart Communities: sharing 5G infrastructures with DIHs in order to accelerate development of innovations at local level
- European Startup Nation Alliance: including Startups in the DIHs local ecosystems
- EVOLVED-5G project: 5G startup support
- Change2twin projects on replicability
SCoDIHNet News
SCoDIHNet Activities in 2024
January 2024
SCoDIHNet is now running since 4 years and time has come to review the membership fo the network since many organisations are no more active and representatives are not actively involved in DIH activities. At the end of 2023, network had 93 registered organisations. A survey has been put in place to check the relevance of their activities to SCoDIHNet.
SCoDIHNet has established numerous cooperations and offers many services to DIHs, and after the review of the membership, SCoDIHNet will focus on the most important services expected by the members. A survey has been put in place to collect the 5 key services among the 33 existing services that SCoDIHNet will then focus on.
An updated version of the SCoDIHNet flyer describing in 2 pages the main activities has been prepared to help interested organisations and communities to better understand the role of the network.
Collection of replicable use cases/solutions is still ongoing with the SNS JU call Phase 1 projects, that will complement the existing catalogue when developed and experimented in real conditions. The vertical tracker put in place by the SNS OPS projects is helping to identify these use cases/solutions.
February 2024
SCoDIHNet is after 4 years of running updating its membership, especially since some organizations cease to exist and new ones are willing to join. About 70 organisations are willing to stay. Following the presentation made on the 5 October 2023 in the context of the IAFA#1 of the SNS-OPS project, AIOTI members and 6G IA members will be asked to join SCoDIHNet as Technology providers to facilitate cooperation with DIHs.
A survey has been put in place to better understand the key services that DIHs members are expected from SCoDIHNet. Among the 33 services provided, the 5 key services are: 1) Development of EU proposals, 2) Organisation of pan-EU collaborative R&D, 3) Initiating (ad-hoc) EU interregional collaborations, 4) EU instruments and calls information and 5) Mapping of R&D capacities/capabilities.
The collection of replicable use cases/solutions is still going on with the SNS JU call 1 projects, they will complement the existing catalog when developed and experimented in real conditions. The vertical tracker put in place by the SNS OPS projects is helping to identify these use cases/solutions that are replicable, project could then use the Replicability assessment tool to determine the level of replicability.
March 2024
Following the survey organised earlier, 71 organisations representing DIHs and technology providers coming from AIOTI and 6G-IA membership and more, remained active in SCoDIHNet. An update of the mailing list will be made accordingly.
It was decided to keep SCoDIHNet participation open to all interested organisations.
A separate call for interest has been sent to all 6G-IA members in order to collect their interest to join SCoDIHNet.
A survey has been put in place in order to better understand the key services that DIHs members are expected from SCoDIHNet. Among the 33 services provided, the 5 key services are: 1) Development of EU proposals, 2) Organisation of pan-EU collaborative R&D, 3) Initiating (ad-hoc) EU interregional collaborations, 4) EU instruments and calls information and 5) Mapping of R&D capacities/capabilities. A white paper will be initiated in order to bring concrete actions for each of the five mentioned services.
April 2024
In the context of the SNS-OPS project, a questionnaire has been sent to phase 2 projects in order to collect information and one of the questions is addressing the replicability of the developed use cases. The projects are invited to use the replicability assessment tool to qualify the replicability level of each use case. The first feedback show that most of the use case get a good replicability level which is quite encouraging.
Following the survey to identify the 5 key services, the most important one addresses “Development of EU proposal”. In order to better understand the DIH needs and to provide concrete action plan, a workshop was organised on the 25 of April “How to create consortiums for European Funding?”. The output of the workshop will feed the white paper which will provide a set of concrete actions supporting the 5 key selected services. The recording of the webinar is available here.
SCoDIHNet presented its activities at the AIOTI Bi-monthly event on 16 April in order to update members on the past and ongoing activities. The idea was to engage AIOTI technology providers in order to facilitate cooperations with DIHs and end users.
May 2024
At the SCoDIHNet May meeting, the Chairman of the Digital group of the Enterprise Europe Network has been invited to make a presentation of the working group and also to validate the action plan put in place with SCoDIHNet:
1/ Presentation of EEN/Digital to SCoDIHNet and SCoDIHNet to EEN/Digital
2/ Identification of DIH belonging to both networks
3/ Completion of the Mapping Smart Connectivity providers with EEN members
4/ Organisation of a common workshop to facilitate exchanges between members from both communities
18 June: 5G towards 6G for citiverse, Torino, Italy (https://5g-towards-6g-for-citiverse.b2match.io/)
Following the survey to identify the 5 key services, a first version of the white paper has been developed and is open to comments. It is providing a number of concrete actions that SCoDIHNet could put in place in order to support DIH activity. These activities are taking advantage of all catalogues already developed and also of the 2 platforms facilitating cooperation and sharing best practices.
June 2024
The 5 key services identified during the survey have been translated into a collection of real actions that SCoDIHNet will put in place to support DIH day to day operation. A white paper was developed and finalised in June, ready for publication.
The “IoT Service by Africa and for Africa” Event organised with the Hubiquitous project, one of the 5 projects aiming at developing DIHs in Africa was a great success with the presentation of the Solution box which provides all the necessary hardware components, online learning resources, and a cloud platform to prototype IoT services easily. In addition, they will also be sharing success stories from our champions who have participated in the Techhub Catalyst Program. These inspiring stories will highlight the achievements and positive impact that our champions have identified for Africa in the IoT area.
The Citiverse event co-organised by the Enterprise Europe Network has the objective of addressing How AI, IoT, Blockchain and XR are driving urban innovation in future Cities & Communities The event will be focused on showcasing and promoting the debate among Public Authorities, Research and Industry on concrete advancements in the application of 5 to 6G emerging technologies solutions for urban innovation towards the upcoming European paradigm of “CitiVerse”. It was also an opportunity to facilitate cooperation between technology providers and end users where DIHs have a great role.
July 2024
The white paper describing the DIH operational issues and the 5 key services identified during the survey has been endorsed by AIOTI and the 6G-IA. It is available here.
Update of the SCoDIHNet catalogues. Following the service catalogue update, they was a need to update the other catalogues. The first one is the Technology provider catalogue which is matching Smart Connectivity organisations (6G-IA, AIOTI, Networld Europe, Gaia-X, 5G4SC) with DIHs at regional level. There are more than 800 organisations identified which could develop projects and solutions that DIH could implement for end users.
Following the survey organised by the SNS-OPS project in April, one of the questions was dealing with the replicability of the use cases developed and experimented by the SNS JU call 2 projects. 23 of them are planning to be replicable, they will complement the 56 use cases developed by the call 1 projects. These use cases will be included in the replicability catalogues and could be used by DIH to provide solution for end users.
The bimonthly SCoDIHNet meeting took place on the 9 July, it has covered the following topics: SCoDIHNet Service offer update, SNS projects replicability update, Stakeholder catalogue update.
On 16 July, SCoDIHNet has been invited by the Agrifood Thematic Working group of the EDIH network, to present the Smart Connectivity domain. It happens that Agrifood sector is using a lot of IoT and connectivity networks in order to collect and process data for a number of use cases.
August 2024
The Smart Connectivity DIH Network has mainly worked on the following topics in August:
Update of the catalogues developed during the last years within SCoDIHNet network:
- SCoDIHNet members: List of members of the network - done
- SCoDIHNet platform catalog: A list of platforms used by DIHs - will start shortly
- SCoDIHNet services: List of services shared among entities - done
- SCoDIHNet Heatmap: Specialisation of DIHs (technologies & verticals) - to be updated
- SCoDIHNet replicability catalog: List of use cases and available solutions - to be done on the fly
- Smart Connectivity Technology providers: to be done
- African DIHs: List of African DIHs supported by ICT58 projects - to be updated
All these catalogues are available on the DIHWare platform, a corresponding update has been started to bring to SCoDIHNet members a place where they can find the latest update of these catalogues.
The TALOS project focuses on enhancing photovoltaic (PV) applications through robotics to align with EU sustainability goals. The project is looking for EDIHs who would be interested in hosting an event in November to inform, onsite, potential beneficiaries of the project open call. SCoDIHNet members have been invited to host this event.
September 2024
SCoDIHNet has started the update all the catalogues developed during the last years and to integrate them on the DIHIWare platform
- SCoDIHNet members: List of members of the network done
- SCoDIHNet platform catalogue: List of platforms used by DIHs will start shortly
- SCoDIHNet services: List of services shared among entities done
- SCoDIHNet Heatmap: Specialisation of DIHs (technologies & verticals) to be updated
- SCoDIHNet replicability catalog: List of use cases & available solutions on the fly
- Smart Connectivity Technology providers ongoing
- African DIHs: List of African DIHs supported by ICT58 projects to be updated
The bimonthly SCoDIHNet meeting took place on the 12h September, it has covered the following topics: Status on the implementation of the services, DIHIWare platform update, Open DMA tool, Replicability podcast and the Technology provider catalog update. DIH, which has experimented with the replicability catalogue, was invited to participate.
Preparation of a Webinar in the context of the SNS OPS support action, we are invited to organise a webinar in order to present our SCoDIHNet service description paper to the SNS-JU partners. DIHs that could present their day-to-day operation, their problems, and their expectation with regard to technology providers are welcome to participate.
Preparation of a podcast with the SNS-ICE project on How SNS project results can contribute to the digitalisation of the European industry?
October 2024
Update of the SCoDIHNet platform catalogue
DIH are using technology platforms in order to develop services for end users. A catalogue of platforms has been developed a few years ago, it is time to update it. Today, the catalogue is encompassing 20 platforms, some of them are may be not used any longer, some new ones appear. A survey will be launched soon in order to provide an UpToDate version with useful information allowing DIH to use them.
Preparation of a Webinar in the context of the SNS ICE support action,
This webinar has the objective to facilitate cooperation between Technology providers (SNS JU members) and DIHs in order to accelerate the go between R&I and end users. For that purpose, SCoDIHNet has put in place a number of services supporting DIH that will be presented.
Title: How DIHs could better cooperate with technology providers?
SCoDIHNet service offer presentation (PY Danet)
DIH organisation and operation (DHI1)
DIH cooperation with technology providers (DIH2)
Mapping DIH and technology providers at local level (PY Danet)
Q&R (PY Danet)
Preparation of a podcast in the context of the SNS ICE support action
This podcast has the objective to better facilitate cooperation between Technology providers (SNS JU members) and DIHs in order to accelerate the go between R&I and end users. For that purpose, SCoDIHNet has developed the replicability initiative that provides to DIH use cases and solutions developed by SNS JU projects.
Title: How SNS project results can contribute to the digitalisation of the European industry?
SNS projects use case collection and identification of replicable use cases (C De Majo)
The replicability assessment tool (PY Danet)
DIH mission and operational organisation (DIH1)
The use of SNS replicable use cases by DIH to develop innovative solutions for end users (DIH2)
Wrap-up (PY Danet)
November 2024
The update of the SCoDIHNet platform catalogue
DIH is using technology platforms (IoT, 5G, Cloud, …) to develop services for end users. A catalogue of platforms was developed a few years ago; it is time to update it. Today, the catalogue encompasses 20 platforms. Some of them may not be used anymore, and some new ones have appeared. A survey has been launched until the end of the year to provide an up-to-date version with useful information, allowing DIH to use it.
We are Starting a discussion with the Techfinder.io project to cooperate on replicability
Techfinder.io is implementing a specific platform that encompasses a number of use cases/solutions developed by European projects in the manufacturing domain. The idea is to share best practices and identify gaps and complementarities.
Initiation of a new paper giving a status of the implementation of the SCoDIHNet services.
A living document has been initiated to provide an updated status of the actions taken to fulfil the SCoDIHNet action plan. It will be updated from time to time. This document is available on both platforms Collabwith and DIHIWARE and also on the Box repository
Finalisation of the organisation of the SNS-ICE/SCoDIHNet webinar and podcast
As already mentioned in the previous News, the webinar How DIHs could better cooperate with technology providers? will take place on Monday the 2d December 12h00, the web page is already available for registration by using this link.
The podcast How SNS Project Results Can Contribute to the Digitalisation of the European Industry? will be recorded in mid-December and will be available on SNS platforms and the Collabwith platform before the end of the year.
December 2024
The platform catalogue is being updated, now it includes DIH platforms (12), AIOTI Testbeds (68), CEF 5G for Smart connectivity sites (17), CEF 5G Corridors sites (6), 5G PPP experimental platforms (3), SNS JU StreamC platforms (5) and Testing European Facilities. This catalogue will be implemented on the DIHIWare platform with a map of the location of each of them.
A meeting was organised with Technfinders.io project representatives on 5 December, and we identified several commonalities and possible cooperations. We shall plan a project presentation at the next SCoDIHNet monthly meeting (14/01/2025). The idea is to better organise our Replicability initiative with regard to similar other initiatives, including the Horizon Result Platform and the Horizon Booster project.
The SNS-ICE/SCoDIHNet webinar How Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) could improve cooperation with technology providers? has been organised on the 2 December, 48 people were registered coming from DIHs and Technology providers. Presentations are available on the SNS JU website.
The podcast recording session, "How can SNS project results contribute to the digitalisation of the European industry?” will take place in January. The podcast will be available on SNS platforms and the Collabwith platform.
SCoDIHNet has been invited to the Embracing Digital Tools and 5G for Zero-Waste and Sustainable Manufacturing webinar, which took place on the 12 December. More information is available here.
SCoDIHNet Activities in 2023
The Smart Connectivity Digital Innovation Hub Network (SCoDIHNet) has the objective to link the SNS JU with end users using the Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) which have to facilitate the digitalisation of the European Industry. DIHs are supported by the Digital Europe program and are looking after innovative solutions that can be deploy in end user industry.
It is a channel to make known and to share developments made in SNS JU projects but also a way to collect end user industry needs to ensure that the future 6G networks will be able to support them.
In 2023, the SCoDIHNet has conducted a number of activities which are contributing to the above objectives. The key highlights are summarizing below.
Smart Connectivity Technology providers mapping with DIHs
A Smart connectivity Technology providers mapping with DIHs has been developed in order to facilitate development of cooperations at local level between end users and technology providers. Stakeholders and mainly SMEs members of AIOTI, 6G-IA, NetworldEurope, 5G community CEF, GAIA-X Hubs have been identified (more than 600 organisations) and located at regional level in order to identify possible cooperation among stakeholders belonging to the sale area. DIHs which are implemented at regional level can easily find the most relevant Smart Connectivity Expertise in the area
Cooperation with the CEF 5G for Smart Community projects
5G for Smart community projects have the objective to develop and operate private 5G networks in public buildings (Administration, Schools, Hospitals, Cities, …). These 5G infrastructures have the objectives to develop use cases taking advantage of the 5G capabilities.
As DIHs are also developing innovative services over 5G, the cooperation put in place is to open these 5G infrastructure to the local DIHs in order to facilitate development of new use cases for public services.
Cooperation with African DIHs
A collaboration is running with the 5 EU funded projects aiming at developing DIHs in Africa in order to share best practices but also to promote the European Smart Connectivity technologies.
A workshop with African DIHs took place on the 23rd February together with DIH4AI, the main outputs are addressing the following points: a) Share the list of DIHs from each organisation (SCoDIHNet, DIH4AI, AEDIB|NET, AfriconEU, Hubiquitous, Make, Digilogic); b) Identify the key verticals covered by DIHs; c) Identify the key technologies used by African DIHs; d) Build a catalogue of training courses that can be shared; e) Organisation of a webinar on Replicability for African DIHs; f) Organisation of a workshop with presentation of European and African DIHs journey
All these activities are started and some already completed, we have collected and involved 66 DIHs running in 20 African countries.
Replicability initiative
Together with the AIOTI, a replicability and scalability assessment tool has been designed and developed in order to provide a replicability level to use cases/solutions developed by smart connectivity projects. Two workshops took place one in June and one in October in order to explain to projects (one for AIOTI projects and one for 5G PPP and SNS JU projects) in order to explain the objective of the initiative and the methodology put in place.
The 6GStart has collected a number of use cases developed and experimented by 5G PPP phase 3 projects and SNS-OPS did the same for SNS JU call 1 projects. These use cases/solutions will feed the Replicability catalogue which already contains more than 1000 lines coming from AIOTI projects, 5GPPP projects and NGI projects.
Cooperation with other thematic DIHs sub-networks
SCoDIHNet is the thematic sub-network covering the Smart Connectivity domain and there several others which are covering other digital domains (AI, cybersec, HPC, Manufacturing, Agriculture, CPS, robotics, …) and supported by other European partnerships. This collaboration lead by SCoDIHNet has the objective to share best practices but also to align the service offer to DIHs.
Meetings with DG CONNECT/A4 took place in order to share our initiative at it was very welcome as complementary to the Digital Transformation Accelerator which is supporting the EDIHs daily activities.
Cooperation with the Startup Nation Alliance
SCoDIHNet has been invited to apply to become member of the advisory board of the ESNA in order to establish a link between Startups and DIHs at local level. ESNA tries to align Startup support at European Level with member states and this is a way to reach regional representatives who have the contact with local startups.
SCoDIHNet service platform
In order to support the operation of DIHs, 18 services have been identified and are available on 2 platforms (Collabwith platform operated by AIOTI and DIHWare platform operated by Eurescom).
The Collabwith platform is offering services facilitating cooperation among stakeholders as the DIHWare is proposing a market place with a number of catalogues developed by SCoDIHNet.
SCoDIHNet becomes a sub-group of the Trial WG
SCoDIHNet was setup jointly by the 5GIA and AIOTI, it is attached to the AIOTI Innovation WG since the beginning and recently it has been proposed to the 6G-IA board to attach SCoDIHNet to the Trial WG.
A presentation of SCoDIHNet has been done at the Trial WG plenary meeting which took place on the 4th September. This was a first step to inform and attract 6G-IA members to cooperate with DIHs
Cooperation with the Enterprise Europe Network
The Cooperation initiated in 2022 has been reactivated following a meeting we had with the new Chairman. The most urgent action point is to map SCoDIHNet members with EEN members in order to facilitate cooperation at local level. The new EEN Digital group staff is already very involved in DIHs so the cooperation should get a new dimension and the idea is to extend it to the other Thematic sub-networks in order to cover most of the Digital domains.