AIOTI has launched the European Web3 Accelerator in 2023.

The European WEB3 Accelerator initiative is a part of AIOTI’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), a roadmap (2023-2030) for future IoT and edge computing research and innovation actions in Europe, proposing specific themes, sub-themes, and priorities, which help identify gaps and areas where research and innovation advancements are most needed.

The European WEB3 Accelerator is set to take a leading role to facilitate the landing of WEB3 in Europe, by enabling the ecosystem to engage with opportunities and solve industry and societal challenges along the road.

Hackathon #2 - turning ideas into WEB3 reality!


Turning WEB3 into reality is a tricky task. But it is happening!

Last year AIOTI landed the European WEB3 Accelerator, with its first ideation hackathon, at the free University of Brussels (VUB). The hybrid event was co-organised with the University of Essex and Universidad Politecnica de Madrid and industry players to enable brainstorming and concept thinking around WEB3.

The first edition of the WEB3 hackathon cycle was a 2-day collaborative brainstorming and ideation event, set to promote the use of WEB3 technology to solve challenges for Industry, Authorities, Media and Education.

Eleven (11) valid proposals were produced (watch all pitches here).

Winners of 1st edition

* CorruptGuard (Governance issue)
* FireGuardians (Climate emergency)
* Curator (Tackle Fake news)
* AssetSphere (Wild card)
* DAO.Brussels (Public vote - we hope)

The winners of the first edition now form the reference for the second iteration of the hackathon on a clear path toward deployment of shared public WEB3 infrastructure.

This hackathon is open to everyone with an interest in energy-efficient and trusted digital ecosystems, willing to enhance systems or contribute to a better society.

Participants will tackle WEB3 technical challenges during two months of online collaboration to land their solutions in a 3-day in-person event. The winners as well as the infrastructure will be presented at the IoT days in September 2024.


40 EUR - Early bird
2 months online (1 group session per week) + 3 days in-person (optional)
Start Sunday 21 April - End Sunday 23 June 2024

The future is ours!

“WEB3 is a key element to tackle multiple global problems. For many years already we are working hard to get that understood, and we are learning daily to further develop our capabilities. We hope for everyone in our society to contribute to the protection of the individual and our planet.”
Tom De Block / AIOTI

Stay tuned on the European WEB3 Accelerator


Stay connected on social media:

X: @aioti_eu


🚀 Hackathon #1 - Ideation and Concept Thinking 🚀

Are you ready to be at the forefront of digital transformation?

AIOTI hosted its first-ever WEB3 Hackathon on 21 and 22 September 2023.

It was a two-day program packed with brainstorming sessions and opportunities to transform both the world and your own life for the better.


Why Join the Hackathon?

🎓Real-world Problem Solving: Apply classroom knowledge to real challenges and boost your skills.

🎨Unleash Your Imagination: Develop outside-the-box thinking and experiment with fresh ideas.

Inspiration: Ignite passion for learning, and setting higher academic and career goals.

🛠️Skill Growth: Improve technical skills and explore new technologies through real-world challenges.

📚Learning: Engage with workshops and experts, staying updated on Web3 and IoT trends.

🤝Networking: Connect with professionals, mentors, legacy industry, universities (Free University of Brussels, University of Essex and Universidad Politecnica de Madrid) and potential employers for future opportunities.

🌟Portfolio Boost: Present innovative solutions, and enhance your professional profile.

🏆Prizes/Recognition: Compete for rewards and gain industry and college acknowledgment.


🎯 SOLVE CHALLENGES: Make the Difference 🎯

The Hackathon target is to solve a series of challenges, using WEB3 Technology.


Public Authorities: Use WEB3 to SOLVE A GOVERNANCE PROBLEM



Wild-Card – Cross-Industry (Open Challenge)


🧠 Show Your Creativity: A Unique Event 🧠

This isn't a normal tech competition where geeks write code. Our aim is not to code software, although you are welcome to do so. In this two-day adventure, we want you to use your creativity to think about solving problems with the use of technology. It's all about coming up with new ideas and making them real.


🚀 Boost Your Ideas: Startups and Projects 🚀

Are you a startup owner or working on a project? This is the place for you! Bring your ideas and get help to make them even better. You might get the chance to work with bigger companies and find support and funding for your project.



Tom de Block

Asset Sphere

Corrupt Guide



The recording can be found here and here is the after-movie.