Dear AIOTI Community,
We wish you all the best in 2021.
For the start, we would like to share with you what is ahead of us this year, until the General Assembly that will be held on 22 June.
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and Projects
One of the major topics for this year will be to develop our strategic research and innovation agenda (SRIA). As you may remember, last year, AIOTI provided significant input to SRIA of the Smart Networks and Services, Big Data/AI and High-Performance Computing partnerships under Horizon Europe. This year, we will focus on developing through our SRIA additional elements distinct to AIOTI and complementary to the existing partnerships.
The matchmaking and facilitation in consortia building that started last year with Green deal calls will be continued and we will strive to find and provide more funding opportunities for our members.
Collaborations and Partnerships
On collaborations, we will join the association running Smart Networks and Services partnership (5G IA), to continue work on the partnership and the first calls that are expected at the end of this year. We already actively contributed in shaping the first work programme of the partnership in December and January.
Regarding Gaia-X, as you know we joined as Day-1 member and we are in close contact with the organisation to see how we can join various working groups and start actively contributing and benefiting our members. We will keep you fully informed as the situation develops.
Our signature event will have its third edition this year, we hope to have a physical edition but if circumstances will not allow it, we will be ready for Plan B scenario and organise either hybrid or virtual event. We plan to use the event to show our progress from the last edition in September 2020, and where we have an impact.
We will launch bi-monthly shorter events to discuss relevant topics and to hear presentations from the members, any ideas are welcomed. We plan the first event for the second half of February.
Strengthened organisation for more impact
In November last year, we launched Electro Mobility Task Force under Mobility Group and we continue this work, with the objective to have a commercial launch of the platform during this year. Your participation and help in identifying partners and services is welcomed.
We also re-branded in November our Digital Innovation Hub network, now called SCoDIHNet that is having about 80 members from 24 countries. We will continue developing this network that is now having more than 320 members and is growing.
We are considering organisational alignment to ensure that we cover all relevant priorities and get along with the overall political and funding cycle. We also proposed to consider forming 3 new groups, Digital for Green, Logistics, Supply Chain and Resilience and Test Beds, where so far we have for each over 10% of our members expressing interest to join and contribute.
This year, the full mandate of the Management Board and group chairs and co-chairs are ending and we will organise elections. It is a good opportunity to reflect on the last two years and for each member to consider how they want to contribute to the work of our groups to have the best possible outcomes and impact.
We hope you find this impactful and that you will join the leadership in achieving the best outcomes for our members this year, your support is most welcomed and needed.
Center for Intelligent Power, Eaton Intelligent Power Ltd.
At the end of this month, AIOTI has 161 members.
NetWorld2020 SRIA webinar, 3-4 February 2021
IoT Tribe Space Tech Games looking at new space-tech enabled solutions from supply-chain to urban planning, 9 February, 10.00 – 12.30h CET, registration here
M-Sec EU-Japan project, 10 February, 9:00-10h30 CET
AIOTI Bi-Monthly Event, 16 February 2021, 16:00 – 17:30h CET, Online
The Digital Services Act: How to address product compliance online?, 18 February, 10:30 – 12:00 CET
IoF Final Event, 16 – 18 March
IoT Day, 9 April
ETSI IoT Week, 26 – 30 April
3rd IEEE International Workshop on Smart Circular Economy, 7 – 9 June 2021 (exact date TBC), Coral Bay, Pafos, Cyprus
AIOTI General Assembly and Bi-Monthly, 15:30 – 17:30h CET, Online
IoT Week, 30 August – 3 September, Dublin
AIOTI Signature Event, 5 October, Berlin (exact date and place TBC)
IoT World Solution Congress, 5 – 7 October, Barcelona