Dear AIOTI Community,
As another year comes to an end, we wish to share with you our summary for 2020 and our outlook for 2021. This year was particularly challenging, due to the COVID crisis that changed how we all live and work. Despite this, 2020 has been a successful year for AIOTI, a year in which we have established solid grounds for our future.
Positioning ourselves for increased relevance
We started the year with our traditional joint Management and Steering Board meeting to sets the scene for the year ahead and agree our priorities along 5 pillars. During March – June period, and despite the crisis, we organised several webinars, kicked-off preparation for the annual signature event and published 6 key documents, and 8 in year’s total together with 6 policy contributions.
We submitted our Smart Networks and Services partnership proposal and finalised the strategic research and innovation agenda, with significant contribution from all of you that participated in a joint task force.
At the end of September, we held our successful second annual signature event with over 220 participants and over 15 prominent speakers.
Part of an integrated and cohesive EU-wide ecosystem
AIOTI has joined Gaia-X, signed memorandum of understanding with ECSO, joined the Transcontinuum Initiative of 8 organisations and started to work with Climate Chain Coalition and INATBA.
Our Digital Innovation Hub network successfully merged with 5G one, creating a joint enlarged network covering about 80 hubs across 24 countries, supported by a new website and white paper.
Contributions to policy
Our work to influence policy was also extensive, notably in the area of EU data, all of which was consolidated through further outreach to EU institutions, with a significant participation from our members.
Successful matchmaking for Green Deal calls also showed where we can contribute and provide more support to our members. Besides that, we provided input to other EU funded programmes, such as InvestEU and recovery fund, that earmarked over 134 billion EUR for digital across the EU.
Strengthening our governance
We held our two general assemblies, on 18 June and 1 December and we are ending year on a high note, with close to 180 members, compared to 160 at the end of the last year. This demonstrates that we are still relevant and that our contribution is visible and appreciated externally.
Our strategy, first adopted in 2017, has been updated, with a renewed mission and vision and priority themes for the upcoming period. These relate to the application of IoT and industrial IoT in various domains, providing a clear vision on IoT and edge computing and showing how IoT can serve to integrate various technologies along the computing continuum.
By end of March 2021, we will align ourselves organisationally, and hold elections for the leaders of all our working structures, including the Management Board to strengthen the leadership and provide a new outlook.
Looking forward to 2021
Our focus for the beginning of the year will be on:
- Finalising and promoting our strategic research and innovation agenda
- Developing Electro Mobility Task Force, launched in November,
- Launching the smart networks and services partnership, and actively engage and contribute to Gaia-X.
We are on a good track and can significantly contribute to the European technology agenda.
We wish to use this opportunity to wish you and your families all the best for the upcoming year-end holidays and successful and healthy 2021.
Jürgen Sturm Georgios Karagiannis
AIOTI Management Board Chairman Steering Board Chairman
AIOTI WG Standardisation published release 5 of the High Level Architecture (HLA).
Transcontinuum initiative was announced on 11 December, comprising ETP4HPC, ECSO, BDVA, 5G IA and AIOTI among members.
AIOTI has signed on 15 December memorandum of understanding (MoU) with European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO).
At the end of this month, AIOTI has 178 members.
Jürgen Sturm, AIOTI Management Board Chairman and Georgios Karagiannis, AIOTI Steering Board Chair and Co-Chair of WG Standardisation represented AIOTI at IoT and Edge Computing II: The Far Edge webinar, panel on Industry to work in partnerships with possible industrial associations, held on 7 and 8 December 2020. Natalie Samovich, WG Energy Chair was moderating panel.
3rd IEEE International Workshop on Smart Circular Economy, 7 – 9 June 2021 (exact date TBC), Coral Bay, Pafos, Cyprus