AIOTI General Assembly and Signature Event 2022
This year we plan to resume with physical general assembly and Signature Event.
The General Assembly will be held after IoT Week on 23 June in Dublin, at the same venue where IoT Week will be held. Besides formal decisions that need to be taken statutory, this year we plan to launch our Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.
To register for the General Assembly, please use this link.
The Signature Event will be held this year in Brussels on 27 September. This year, the event theme will be IoT and Edge computing: Societal Impact and Opportunities for the Green Digital Twin Transition. The event will be organised in three panel sessions and with two presentation sessions.
To register for the Signature event, please use this link.
At the end of this month, AIOTI has 198 members.
International Conference on Data Protection, Regulatory Compliance, and Innovative Technologies, 5 – 7 April 2022, Venice, Italy
AIOTI is pleased to share with you a voucher for reduced registration to the Privacy Symposium conference in Venice, on April 5-7 2022.
The Privacy Symposium conference aims at supporting international dialogue, cooperation and knowledge sharing on data protection, compliance and innovative technologies. This first edition will have three main focuses:
- The latest evolutions in data protection regulations at national, regional and international levels
- Data protection compliance with innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence, Blockchain, Internet of Things, quantum computing, cloud, edge computing, 5G, V2X, metaverse, etc.;
- Health and medical data processing compliance with the GDPR.
The conference will offer over 70 sessions with over 150 top level speakers and data protection authorities, including the OECD, Council of Europe, UN rapporteur on the right to privacy, the European Data Protection Board, the EDPS, the data protection authorities of US, Japan, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Hungary, UK, Switzerland, etc. as well as to researchers on innovative technologies: AI, 5G/XG, DLT, XR/Metaverse, quantum computing, IPv6, IoT and edge computing, etc.
Part of the programme is reserved to European research projects. Sessions are organized to foster dialogue and cooperation among researchers from both sides of the Atlantic. National supervisory authorities will present and share their lessons learned and recommendations on various topics such as: privacy by design, cross-border data transfers, data breaches, and legitimate interest in practice, etc.
You can explore the programme and the confirmed speakers at https://privacysymposium.org/programme/
AIOTI members benefit from a 10% discount. Registration provides you access to all sessions and catering.
How to claim your discount:
- Step 1: Visit privacysymposium.org
- Step 2: Insert the promo code: AIOTI2022-SD
- Step 3: Select the ticket option most suitable for you.
You will find more information on the conference website: privacysymposium.org
Cortina Digital Forum, 21-22 April 2022, Online
EV charging – A case for the edge? NGIOT Community Events: Marking the evolution from cloud to edge, 29 April, Online
IoT Week, 20-23 June, Dublin, Ireland
AIOTI members discount:
Discounted fee for Institution Members (doesn’t apply to One Day Registration) |
Enter Discount Code: AIOTI2022 and select Full Delegate or Standard Delegate & Virtual Fee |
€100 discount | 100 |
We are pleased to confirm Aer Lingus as the IoT Week preferred Airline Partner!
Aer Lingus is delighted to offer the IoT Week participants promotional discounts for their flights to Dublin this June.
Visit the IoT Week website to register and access the Aer Lingus special booking code. Limited discounts are available!
We want to give you a chance to book your discounted flights to Ireland and are happy to announce that the Early Bird Registration Deadline has been extended until the 1st of March!
And that’s not all! Your day is only going to get better!
Our HQ hotel, the Croke Park Hotel can be also booked together with your IoT Week registration. Special, discounted accommodation rates of €169 B&B single & €189B&B double room are guaranteed only until the 1st of March!
IoT World Solution Congress, 10 – 12 May 2022, Barcelona
Fo AIOTI members, the following discounts apply:
50% IOT Congress
100% unlimited Expo + tickets
Code: RBO83QET
100 Full digital tickets
Code: 6N9RFQ0R
More information could be found here.
IOTSWC EXTEND platform will be open April 28th so people with Full Congress Pass, Cyber Congress Pass and Expo+ IOTSWC Extend can start, preparing their agenda and doing networking meetings request.
ALL the information upload will be available starting may 17th, may 18th and may 19th. After that day information will stay uploaded all year so we can keep IOTSWC Community active.
IOTSWC Extend will include:
- Sponsors Keynotes – recorded on he auditorium
- Sponsors parallel sessions – to be pre-recorded by sponsors
- Call for speakers – selected applications, pre-recorded sessions
- Ambassadors Side-events – pre-recorded sessions
- The platform will host different activities during the year to keep per community engaged
COVID REQUIREMENTS FOR ATTENDEES this may change. Check the following link where you can keep up to date with our health and safety planning on IOTSWC: https://www.iotsworldcongress.com/health-and-safety-information/ . Here you can find updated information on Health and Safety Information and requirements to enter the venue congress.
Registration procedure: IOTSWC uses ONLY digital tickets for the entrance, to access the event all visitors must use the Access 4. The badge will be scanned and proof full COVID vaccination or negative PCR/antigens test will be required at the door (please check 1.5 Covid Requirements for exhibitors and attendees)
Access to ISE: Access to the Exhibition of ISE is permitted only by designated doors; you badge can be scanned when you access the ISE event. Please note that in case of exiting the venue through ISE doors all IOT visitors and exhibitors will need to reenter by IOTS main gate.
AIOTI Calendar of Group meetings 2022
Launch Event of the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking
Brussels – March 7, 2022.
The 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G-IA) participated in the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) launch event “On the road to 6G”, that took place at MWC Barcelona on March 1, 2022.
As the the global race towards 6G has started, Europe is timely taking a leading position through the implementation of the Smart Networks and Services (SNS) partnership. The SNS Joint Undertaking builds on two pillars: 6G research and innovation and 5G deployment actions funded by European or national funding programmes.
The event included two sessions and was opened by Colin Willcock, Chairman of the SNS JU Governing Board and Chairman of the 6G-IA Governing Board, and by Pearse O’Donohue, Vice-Chairman of the SNS JU Governing Board and Director Future Networks, DG CONNECT, European Commission.
During the first session, moderated by Colin Willock, speakers from industry and academia (i.e., Nishant Batra, CSTO, Nokia, Gerhard Fettweis, Vodafone Chair Professor at TU Dresden and CEO of the Barkhausen Institut, and Anita Döhler, CEO, NGMN), highlighted the 6G technologies and how these can be used to improve the performance of key network indicators (e.g., throughput, delay, reliability). These technologies will enable the design, deployment and operation of new advanced applications and services, such as real-time automation or extended reality (“Internet of Senses”) sensing, collecting and providing the data for a digital twin of the physical world.
The second session, moderated by Peter Stuckmann, Interim Executive Director of the SNS JU and Head of Unit, Future Connectivity Systems at the European Commission, was an opportunity for two EU Member States representatives (i.e., Sarmīte Mickeviča, Vice-Chair of the States Representatives Group of the SNS JU, Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia, Arturo Azcorra, Director General, Telecommunications and Audiovisual Services at Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation), and for Marja Matinmikko-Blue, Research Director of the Infotech Oulu Institute and Director of Sustainability & Regulation at 6G Flagship at the University of Oulu, Finland, to present their national initiatives and discuss their complementarity to the SNS JU.
The event attracted a big audience and provided a good insight on how 6G technologies are expected to revolutionize and support the provision of future digital services towards 2030 with significant positive impact on multiple business sectors as well as the everyday life of citizens.
Full press release and details are here.
Towards a dynamic marketplace for 5G resources
Survey: https://cutt.ly/3P5h5Sh
This survey explores the attractiveness and challenges of platforms, such as 5GZORRO, which enable marketplaces for 5G-related resources, including spectrum, in a dynamic, zero-touch, secure, and trusted way.
As part of its research into the potential changes to the value chain and business models that could be provided by 5G, and to better understand and characterized the needs and benefits which a digital marketplace such the one enabled by 5GZORRO, the consortium has launched this survey across diverse stakeholders:
Mobile Operators
Industry Verticals
National Regulatory Authorities
Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to the research and take part at the survey!
SNS – Frequently Asked Questions
SNS JU has published the Frequently Asked Questions, that can be found here.
Open call for applications – New Expert Group on Cloud Contracts
On 24 February, together with the presentation of the Data Act legislative proposal, the European Commission has launched a call for applications to become a member of the new Commission Expert Group on B2B Data Sharing and Cloud Computing Contracts.
One of the objectives of his Expert Group, which is jointly administered by Directorate-General (DG) CONNECT and DG JUSTICE of the European Commission, is to develop Standard Contractual Clauses for general purpose cloud use. If you represent a cloud provider or cloud user organisation and you have expertise on the contractual aspects of cloud computing, we highly encourage you to apply.
You can find all necessary information here.
For any additional queries, you can send an email to: JUST-EXPERT-GROUP-DATA-SHARING-JUST-A2@ec.europa.eu