AIOTI Webinar Presenting the Report on DLT-IoT-AI Technological Convergence
AIOTI Focus Group on DLT and Web3 organised a webinar on 08.05. to present the report on DLT-IoT-AI Technological Convergence Release 2.
The full report can be found here.
The integration of disruptive technologies is propelling society into a rapid and unparalleled digital transformation, erasing the boundaries between the physical and digital realms. To effectively navigate the intricacies of this transition, it is essential to possess a thorough understanding of the involved technologies and a comprehensive grasp of how these foundational components can synergize to create innovative platforms and practical applications.
This document is an advancement of the “Report on DLT-IoT Technological Convergence,” published in May 2022, which offers the AIOTI’s insights on the fusion of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Decentralized Ledger Technologies (DLT). It delves into the potentialities at the nexus of these technologies, aiming to delineate the overlapping layers of their respective tech stacks, thereby pinpointing promising zones for amalgamation and corresponding use case scenarios. The current report aims to further explore the potentialities at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs), and the Internet of Things (IoT).
The analysis commences with the articulation of three high-level technological stacks, serving as a foundational framework to decode the attributes of the constituent elements. This discourse then progresses to pinpointing domains and themes of significance at the technological intersections (DLT-AI and DTL-IoT), utilizing a Convergence Matrix. This matrix is designed to establish a unified platform for discussing open research topics and potential application opportunities.
Subsequently, we introduce the concept of the Convergence Prism, a tool designed to highlight opportunities at the tripartite intersection of DLT, IoT, and AI.
The final phase of this report seeks to bridge the theoretical analysis with tangible applications. This is achieved by selecting the most promising topics of convergence and associating them with extant applications, as identified within the AIOTI DLT Test Beds. This approach not only underscores the practical implications of our findings but also provides a tangible link to real-world implementations.
The webinar presentation can be found here and the recording here.
SCoDIHNet monthly news
At the SCoDIHNet May meeting, the Chairman of the Digital group of the Enterprise Europe Network has been invited to make a presentation of the working group and also to validate the action plan put in place with SCoDIHNet:
1/ Presentation of EEN/Digital to SCoDIHNet and SCoDIHNet to EEN/Digital
2/ Identification of DIH belonging to both networks
3/ Completion of the Mapping Smart Connectivity providers with EEN members
4/ Organisation of a common workshop to facilitate exchanges between members from both communities 18 June: 5G towards 6G for citiverse, Torino, Italy (https://5g-towards-6g-for-citiverse.b2match.io/)
Following the survey to identify the 5 key services, a first version of the white paper has been developed and is open to comments. It is providing a number of concrete actions that SCoDIHNet could put in place in order to support DIH activity. These activities are taking advantage of all catalogues already developed and also of the 2 platforms facilitating cooperation and sharing best practices.
6G IA and AIOTI joint White Paper The role of 6G in agriculture
6G IA and AIOTI WG Agriculture has prepared the joint White Paper The role of 6G in agriculture.
Agriculture is one of the key contributors to European GDP. Almost 40% of EU budget is spent for agriculture to sustain healthy food, meat and fish production is a sustainable way. In the current landscape of agriculture and aquaculture for food production, digital technologies have emerged as a transformative force leveraging cutting-edge technologies to enhance productivity, sustainability, and decision-making processes. Digital farming and precision agriculture are key trends which will leverage the evolution of IoT technologies and the evolution of connectivity services from 5G to 6G that will collect more high fidelity data to monitor soils, crops, animal wellness and trigger automation in this sector. The final aim is to produce more (quality food) with less (pesticides)to provide the food transformation industry, retail and restauration with higher quality and more sustainable raw natural material. The recent pandemics showed how important livestock monitoring is along with the paramount importance of reliable communications. The food production industry is demonstrating in its own high innovation as witnessed by recent advancements in meat culture.
Looking to the future, the demands on communication networks in digital farming are expected to grow exponentially. The farming industry will not only require more reliable, high-speed, and low-latency connectivity but also support the integration of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and sensing capabilities that 6G will offer natively from the edge cloud. Advanced analytics, digital twins, autonomous vehicles and drones are digital concepts that are already changing a traditional sector bases on centuries old procedures. New concepts like indoor farming based on advanced digital and communication services will change for ever the outlook of an industry dominated by hard work and tractors.
Policy measures such as the Biodiversity Strategy and the Farm2Fork Strategy will finally need advanced IoT capabilities that 5G and its evolution to 6G will support. 6G with its new features will step up the sector sustainability level (“6G for Green”) but attention must be put on 6G sustainability aspects such as energy consumption of networks and AI training, bio degradation of IoT devices etc. (“Green 6G”).
5GPPP and now SNSJ JU are funding research projects that make show concrete achievements in abovementioned statements. This document contains most relevant use cases investigated under European funded research projects and the level of impact of 6G.
AIOTI Days 2024, 24/25 September, Brussels
AIOTI is organising annual event that builds upon five successful editions of AIOTI Signature gatherings. AIOTI Days 2024 will feature the Thematic and Project sessions, Hackathon and the Scientific Conference GIECS, guaranteeing a rich and comprehensive experience for all participants.
At the core of AIOTI Days 2024 is the exploration of how the continuum and digital twins meet virtual worlds in the industrial space, creating a physical-digital virtual continuum.
AIOTI Webinar promoting AIOTI White Paper on Health Data Spaces
19 June, 15.00h CEST
Digital with Purpose Global Summit 2024
Mark your calendars and join from 09-11 July 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal for an enriching and insightful experience. The upcoming third edition of the Digital with Purpose Global Summit, organized by the Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) and the Digital with Purpose (DWP) Movement.
The Summit stands as a premier gathering for digital visionaries, bringing together leaders from both public and private sectors, alongside top experts, scholars, and practitioners globally. Its mission: to expedite the adoption of digital advancements for societal good and the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.
This year’s Summit will continue the work started in 2023 and have sessions focusing on the same three main themes: Biodiversity, Education and Smart and Sustainable Cities, to which we added a new theme, Sustainable Finance. This global gathering will foster knowledge exchange, innovative thinking, and meaningful networking opportunities for all attendees.
To access detailed information about the conference, including the event agenda, esteemed speakers, workshops, and other exciting features, a dedicated website. Simply visit https://event.digitalwithpurpose.org/ to explore everything that awaits you at the conference.
Register here and secure your place at the conference.
Webinar on “Human Rights & ICT Standardisation”
The webinar topic focuses on considering Human Rights when developing technical specifications in ICT standardisation. What are the concerns, and how can they be addressed already at the specification phase?
📍 Webinar agenda – June 6th, 2024; 15:30-17:30 (CEST):
6G Programmable Deterministic Webinar Series – 1st Webinar is on 14 June
DESIRE6G, DETERMINISTIC6G and PREDICT-6G are pleased to invite you to the first webinar of its “6G Programmable Deterministic Webinar Series”.
The first webinar “Architectural enhancements for 6G programmable and deterministic networks” will take place on Friday 14 June at 10:00 CET, online. It will feature Peter Szilagyi from Nokia, Chrysa Papagianni from the University of Amsterdam, Joachim Sachs from Ericsson and Gourav Prateek Sharma from KTH, followed by a panel discussion on the topic.
Register here: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/WS1June2024
AIOTI Calendar of meetings and events 2024
2nd Summer School on 5G Connected Automated Mobility across Europe
Co-organized by 5G PPP 5G-ROUTES project
“The 5G PPP project 5G-ROUTES is co-organizing the 2nd PhD School on challenges and technologies for 5G Connected Automated Mobility and 5G-empowered media applications across Europe. The PhD School is free of charge (excluding travel and accommodation), and will take place on June 20-21, 2024, in Paris-Saclay campus, France. There, latest technologies and the most recent innovations related to CAM and media applications of 5G will be presented.
The School is a unique opportunity for young researchers (PhD students) and undergrad students (Master students) to get insights on diverse challenges of 5G for CAM in cross-border scenarios (terrestrial and maritime) and on 5G-empowered media applications and NetApps from senior researchers with an academic or industrial background.
We encourage participants to submit an extended abstract about topics related with 5G Connected Automated Mobility and 5G-empowered media applications.
The detailed programme and more information on the school can be found at: https://taltech.ee/en/5g-x-eu-2024
Shape the future of 6G! 6G4Society Citizen Survey
We are thrilled to announce that the 6G4Society Project has launched its Citizen Survey, aimed at providing a unique opportunity for citizens to share their experiences and opinions about current 5G technology and the upcoming transition to 6G.
The results of this survey will be used to inform and guide EU policymakers and technology providers as they develop a more inclusive and sustainable communication infrastructure, as well as contribute to one of the main goals of the 6G4Society project, building a Technology Acceptance Model for 6G.
Your insights will be incredibly valuable for our work and initiatives, so we invite you all to participate in the survey and to please share it with your network and projects. The survey only takes about 7 minutes to complete and it is available in English, French, Italian, and Spanish (more languages coming soon!). Participate in the Citizen Survey
Call for financial support to Blockchain Experts by 7th March (SEEBLOCKS.eu)
Do you have a proven expertise and experience in Standardisation and need funding in the Blockchain / DLT Standardisation area? We suggest you check out and apply to our third Selection and Engagement Procedure!
Applicants have time until June 7th 2024 to submit their proposal and selected participants can receive up to € 10.000 in funding.
SEEBLOCKS.eu is dedicated to advancing the standardisation of blockchain technologies in Europe, establishing a framework from which we can obtain rules and guidelines for a fair and unbiased use and advancement of this technology, ensuring its interoperability and security. Innovative solutions do not come without innovators and that is why we need you!
There is a specific list of topics on which you should choose to focus your proposal:
- Identity Management
- Data Provenance
- Governance
- Token and asset creation and exchange
- Process optimisation
- Automation
- Cybersecurity and applied game theory
- Use Cases
- Other – Foundations eg. vocabulary, taxonomy and ontology
Learn more about guidelines and regulations at the following link: https://seeblocks.eu/third-sep-blockchain-experts
StandICT.eu 2026 | Following the Fellows Impact Report, Open Call 2
Since its launch in January 2023, the StandICT.eu 2026 programme has already supported over 100 European experts in ICT standardisation.
The Impact Reports series documents the funded fellowship projects and achievements, and The “Following the Fellows Impact Report, Open Call 2” is now available!