AIOTI Webinar: Innovative SME showcase
AIOTI organized a webinar on 6 November, presenting the Innovative SME showcase.
The recording of the webinar can be found here and the presentations here.
SCoDIHNet Monthly News
The Smart Connectivity DIH Network has mainly worked on the following topics during this month:
The cooperation with Enterprise Europe Network has been recently reactivated following a meeting we had with the new Chairman. The most urgent action point is to map SCoDIHNet members with EEN members in order to facilitate cooperation at local level. The new EEN Digital group staff is already very involved in DIHs so the cooperation should get a new dimension and the idea is to extend it to the other Thematic sub-networks in order to cover most of the Digital domains.
The cooperation with African DIH is working on co-events where SCoDIHNet members and African DIHs could exchange and cooperate. Several events and open call will take place in the following month, SCoDIHNet members are welcome to participate and to share best practices with African DIHs.
The presentation of the European Innovation Hub Association which has been elaborated with the other Thematic sub-Networks has been made to SCoDIHNet members highlighting the pro and cons of this initiative. It is up to SCoDIHNet members to make the decision to join.
At the end of this month, AIOTI has 181 members.
IoT and Edge Computing impact on Beyond 5G: enabling technologies and challenges R3
AIOTI WG Standardisation has published its new report “IoT and Edge Computing Impact on Beyond 5G: Enabling Technologies and Challenges Release 3.0”.
This report highlights several IoT and Edge Computing vertical domain use cases collected by the Alliance for IoT and Edge Computing Innovation (AIOTI) and determines the specific requirements they impose on the underlying (Beyond) 5G network infrastructure. These use cases and requirements can be used by Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs), such as 3GPP, ITU-T, ISO, and IEEE as requirements for automation in vertical domains focusing on critical communications.
In addition to these use cases, emerging topics in the area of (Beyond) 5G technology are also introduced.
The Release 2.0 version of this report included 6 additional use cases in the areas of (1) use of drones, (2) 5G cloud-RAN, (3) Health-Critical Remote Operations, and (4) preliminary 6G use cases.
The Release 3.0 version of this report includes 6 additional use cases in the area of Edge-Cloud Orchestration.
The full report can be found here.
SNS Work Programme 2024 published
Smart Networks and Services Work Programme for 2024 was published on 27.11.
The program can be found here.
AIOTI has participated in the one6G Summit that was held from 09-10 November in Munich, Germany.
AIOTI Management Board Chair, Juergen Sturm delivered a keynote speech about IoT and Edge Computing research and innovation, synergies with 6G research at session 3: Industry view on 6G.
AIOTI Webinar: Presenting IoT and Edge Computing Carbon Footprint Measurement Methodology Report
11 December, 16:00 – 17:30
AIOTI Digital for Climate Task Force updated the IoT and Edge Computing Carbon Footprint Measurement Methodology Report.
This Report addresses the users of IoT and Edge Computing technologies and services to help them understand and make informed choices on how to assess the carbon footprint of solutions and services they use and to also measure how these methodologies support carbon footprint reduction of their use.
The Report is structured to present the rules and regulations of the European Green Deal, the initiatives and standards, and existing methodologies of measuring ICT carbon footprint. The report also includes how those methodologies can be applied to IoT and Edge Computing, the description of the methodologies, selection criteria and how to measure the benefits of using them in reducing carbon footprint by using IoT and Edge Computing technologies and services for several industrial domains.
This version of the report (Release 2) updates the equations that were introduced in version (Release 1.1) of the Report, which address the calculation of avoided carbon emissions in industrial sectors when ICT is applied by focusing on:
- a baseline (industrial) scenario that is supported by an ICT solution and a green-enabled (industrial) scenario that applies an advanced ICT solution to reduce carbon emissions in the same industrial scenario,
- the impact that a closed-loop recycling/allocation process has on these equations.
The Report ends with conclusions and recommendations for practical use.
The report can be found here.
The agenda of the webinar:
15.00 Opening and Welcome (10 min)
Georgios Karagiannis, WG Leader
15.05 Presentation of the report and recommendations (15 min)
Georgios Karagiannis, WG Leader
15.20 Presentation of the examples (40 min)
Example 1
Example 2
16.00 Questions from the audience (15 min)
Moderated by Georgios Karagiannis, WG Leader
16.15 Wrap up and end of the Webinar (5 min)
Georgios Karagiannis, WG Leader
The webinar is open to the public with no registration.
Information and Brokerage Session: Digital Platforms for the Cloud-Edge-IoT, Innovation through Open Source & Software
The event will be in hybrid mode (online and in-person in Brussels – the location will be announced soon).
During this event, you have the opportunity to learn about the Horizon Europe 2024 Calls on World Leading Data and Computing Technologies and Digital and Emerging Technologies for Competitiveness and Fit for the Green Deal.
The Information and Brokerage Event will introduce topics of the five Horizon Europe calls:
- HORIZON-CL4-2024-DATA-01-03 Piloting emerging Smart IoT Platforms and decentralized intelligence (IA)
- HORIZON-CL4-2024-DATA-01-05 Platform Building, standardization and Up-scaling of the ‘Cloud-Edge-IoT’ Solutions (CSA)
- HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-21: Open Source for Cloud/Edge to support European Digital Autonomy (RIA)
- HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-22: Fundamentals of Software Engineering (RIA)
- HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-23: Public recognition scheme for Open Source (CSA)
The event offers opportunities for participants to obtain information concerning the open Horizon Europe Calls, identify potential project partners through their pitches, as well as to forge winning partnerships with academics, researchers, industrial stakeholders, and SMEs.
Event participants will have the unique opportunity to pitch new concepts and applications, proposal ideas, and their expertise in front of leading research organizations and cutting-edge innovators from across the industry.
The deadline for pitch registration is 27 November 2023.
The event organizers will validate and confirm your pitch slot by 29 November 2023.
Please check the “submit your pitch” page of this website for more information.
Onsite participants will have the opportunity to participate in the onsite brokerage session. After you register as an onsite participant, you can start booking your meetings with other onsite participants.
Both onsite participants and remote participants will be able to book meetings using the platform one week before the event (27 November 2023) and until the calls’ submission deadline (19 March 2024).
Please check the “How it works” and “FAQ” pages of this website for more information.
Webinar “From 5G to 6G: Opportunities for European Start-ups and SMEs” on 7 December
The ‘European Digital SMEs Alliance’ and ‘Institute PIIU’ organize the webinar “From 5G to 6G: Opportunities for European Start-ups and SMEs” on 7 December from 11:00 to 12:30 CET.
The aim of this event is to provide an overview of the opportunities designed for start-ups and SMEs, focusing on available Open Calls. The SNS JU is supporting European SMEs by a specific Open Call Programme with a total amount of 24 million euro.
Additional information, the agenda and the registration form are available at: https://www.digitalsme.eu/events/from-5g-to-6g-opportunities-for-european-start-ups-and-smes/
RISE-6G Training Workshop – Online event on 12 December
Find the information of the upcoming online Training Workshop organized the RISE-6G project (https://rise-6g.eu/).
- Date: Tuesday 12 December 2023
- Time: 08:30 – 12:30 CET
- Place: Virtual event
6Gsec Common Path and Cardinal Points “6Gsec CP²”
Location : Campus Cyber, Paris 5-7 rue Bellini, 92800 La Défense, France
Hosted by PTCC and organised by SNS-OPS, ECSO, NetworldEurope“6Gsec CP²” brings together the Cyber and 6G communities to discuss:
- European policies, threat landscapes and known challenges
- Current Research and innovation agendas
- Technical focus and collaboration perspectives
The event will feature several keynote speakers, as well as panel discussions and technical sessions:
- The future of cybersecurity in the 6G era
- Opportunities to build mutual understanding,
- Research roadmap convergence and collaborations between the Cyber and 6G communities
We encourage you to save the date and join us for this important event. The detailed programme will be available soon.
Please register, using the link below.
AIOTI Meetings:
AIOTI Calendar of meetings and events 2023
TrialsNet Open Call launch
TrialsNet invites European third parties such as verticals, companies (including SMEs), research centers or any other relevant entity, as well as facilities and infrastructure owners, to participate in its large-scale trials activities through the implementation of additional, diversified, and heterogeneous vertical use cases, to support:
- Option 1: The deployment of new trials on the platform and network solutions deployed by the project,
- Option 2: The extension of its infrastructure’s domain in other geographical areas located in Europe (complementing the main clusters).
The proposed use cases and trials should address one of the main areas identified by the project:
- Infrastructure
- Transportation
- Safety & Security
- eHealth and Emergency
- Culture
- Tourism
- Entertainment
Open Call launch: 16th October 2023
Proposals submission deadline: 19th January 2024
Expected duration of participation: 12 months
The funding rate for selected projects is 100% of the declared costs (including 25% flat rate for overheads), both for profit and not profit entities.
More information & Applications: https://trialsnet.eu/open-call/
Submission of Application: https://trialsnet.fundingbox.com/
New 5G-PPP White Paper on Industry 4.0
The 5G-PPP Technology Board published the new White Paper Innovation Trends in I4.0 enabled by 5G and Beyond NetworksAbstract: The Industry 4.0 (I4.0) concept revolutionizes how processes like quality, productivity, customization, and safety are managed in manufacturing. It has developed alongside 5G technology and the two influence each other significantly. 5G supports the communication needs of I4.0, while I4.0 is a major sector for 5G growth. This whitepaper offers a comprehensive view of I4.0 design principles, driven by collaboration between I4.0 leaders and contributors to 5G development. It also assesses the applicability of 5G for short and mid-term I4.0 challenges based on input from stakeholders. The report touches on evolving 5G technologies, like Deterministic Networking and Digital Twining, and explores the future of ecosystem dynamics, regulation, and sustainability. Ultimately, it provides valuable insights into the synergy between I4.0 and 5G, drawing from leading 5G-PPP Phase III projects.
Available at https://5g-ppp.eu/white-papers/
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8367578
URL: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8367578