IoT – driving Europe’s technology sovereignty and leadership, 29 September 2020
AIOTI successfully held its first virtual Signature event on 29 September. More than 200 participants followed six different panels with renowned representatives from policy and business domain.
Keynote speakers included Stefan Schnorr, Ministerial Director, Digital and Innovation Policy from the German Federal Ministry of Economy and Pearse O’Donohue, Director for Future Networks, European Commission, DG Connect. From policy side, we also had Max Lemke, new Head of IoT Unit in the European Commission, DG Connect and Dušan Chrenek, Principal Advisor from the European Commission DG CLIMA and Friedrich Groeteke from German Federal Ministry of Economy.
The business side was represented by Torsten Kupper from Qualcomm, Dieter Wegener from Siemens, Joline Jaemmers from SAS. Our WG chairs Alena Siarheyeva, Parm Raeewal and Natalie Samovich greatly contributed to the success of this event.
Our external contributors Werner Mohr from 5G IA and Alban Schmutz from CISPE provided great insights in Smart Networks and Services partnership and Gaia X project.
Special thanks to our Management Board member Tanya Suarez for moderating and leading us through the event.
Presentations can be found on the event website.
New Member
AIOTI welcomes new member:
At the end of September, AIOTI has 153 members.
Upcoming meetings and events
Big Data Value, 03 – 05 November, Berlin – Virtual
The 2020 edition of the European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) will take place between the 03 and 05 November in Berlin and online, and it is organised in collaboration with DFKI, Plattform Industrie 4.0, Plattform Lernende Systeme and Berlin Partner.
The online event is entirely free of charge but registration is mandatory. More information on the registrations for the physical event will be disclosed soon. Participants can register through the EBDVF website.
Tweets of the month