AIOTI members and guests come together to discuss the latest trends on IoT and Edge Computing and how the industry is moving forward
27 SEPTEMBER 2022, BRUSSELS, BE: A busy agenda of 3 keynote speeches, 3 sessions and 2 technical presentations has characterised the AIOTI Signature Event 2022. More than 150 renowned representatives from the policy and business domain attended the full day event, with plenty opportunities to network.
Keynote session with speakers from Siemens and Vodafone introduced initiatives in the area of digital transformation and links to IoT and Edge Computing, explaining how their organisations can contribute to achieve the European objectives.
- The first session on IoT and crisis preparedness moderated by Ricardo Vitorino from Ubiwhere, presented a vision paper that AIOTI has developed. The main objective of this vision paper is to identify the steps to be followed to develop societal resilience towards short-term and long-term risks. The aim was to showcase the best practices and insights needed to sense, respond, defend and recover within the IoT domain by involving all key stakeholders.
- The second session on IoT improving Healthy Urban Living moderated by Celine Prins from the Institute for Future of Living, presented a report developed in collaboration of Urban Society, Buildings, Innovation Ecosystems, Energy and Health communities covering topics of improving healthy urban lifestyle, value-based healthcare and mitigating the risk and social impact of isolation and loneliness in urban societies. This report focuses on how IoT can be deployed to foster mental and physical health, thereby putting the weight on disease prevention instead of treatment.
- The third session on Built Environment Powering the Future moderated by Erik van Wijk from ValueFactory, explored how we can unlock the promise of technologies and really initiate a transformation in our living and working space, ensuring a thriving future for us and generations to come. This was also the chance to discuss how we can bridge the gap of exponential tech development and the acceptance by the public at scale, talking about massive electrification, the necessity to build local resilience, the future plan of a decentralized power infrastructure. IoT, AI, edge architecture and blockchain solutions are entering these domains and there are growing investments made available for a variety of start-ups in these fields.
- The first presentation on AIOTI Testbeds Methodology and Catalogue moderated by Rute Sofia from fortiss introduced the “AIOTI Testbed Catalogue” developed at the end of 2021 within its Testbeds Group. The report comprises a set of testbed descriptions based on a specific format and has as aim to contribute to a coordinated view on testbeds derived from content provided by AIOTI partners. In parallel with this, the Testbeds Group also developed AIOTI Testbeds Methodology report. This report presents a methodology for the collection, curation, assessment and dissemination of testbeds within AIOTI.
- The second presentation on IoT and Edge computing standardisation: Impact and Opportunities moderated by Georgios Karagiannis from Huawei showed how standardisation and AIOTI activities in these areas contribute to the topics covered by the 3 sessions of the Signature Event. Discussion between panellists of the 3 sessions and the AIOTI Standardisation Group presented the challenges and opportunities that IoT and Edge computing standardization has on Twin (Green and Digital) transition, supporting crisis preparedness, contributing to disease prevention and improving the built environment.
During the event, six AIOTI members (Intracom Telecom, Verses Global, DLT Group, University of Galway, Ubiwhere, and Keysight Technologies) presented their testbeds and demos in the exhibition area.
This event has been kindly sponsored by Siemens and Vodafone.
Presentations can be found on the event website.
Full recording of the event can be watched here and per each session of the event here.
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