AIOTI members and guests come together to discuss the Next Frontier of the IoT, Edge, and Web3.0
10 OCTOBER 2023, BRUSSELS, BE: A busy agenda of 5 sessions and 1 technical presentation has characterized the AIOTI Signature Event 2023. More than 70 renowned representatives from the policy and business domain attended the full-day event, with plenty of opportunities to network.
- The first session on Climate and Resource Resilience moderated by Georgios Karagiannis from Huawei showed how IoT and Edge Computing business scenarios and use cases can support these objectives and challenges, in particular how to deal with the current energy crisis, CO2 reduction, support the circular economy and digital product passport, impact on manufacturing and data spaces and measuring climate impact.
- The second session on Applying the Computing Continuum in the real world moderated by Dolores Ordonez from AnySolution examined real-world use cases and international deployment of IoT, Edge and Web 3.0 as complementary solutions:
- How did we get here – The evolution from IoT to the meta-world
- Real-world deployment (European and global perspective – US, India, China, Korea)
- Major sectoral challenges and use cases (Healthcare, Energy, Manufacturing, Mobility)
- How is this next frontier going to deliver real transformation where IoT and cloud growth has been slower than expected?
- In the third session on Testbeds and Computing Continuum moderated by Ronald Freund from F5G Open Lab, AIOTI members presented their testbeds and live demonstrations and shared their insights on contributing to the computing continuum. Another objective WAS to provide input in possible further work on the AIOTI WG Testbeds.
- The fourth session on Advanced Digital Skills to deliver on promise of the Computing Continuum moderated by Brendan Rowan from BluSpecs presented how I+D is challenged with the Advanced Digital Skills shortage, together with what are our current options to act today and secure a competitive European Cloud-Edge industry tomorrow.
- The fifth session on The Next Frontier for Computing Continuum moderated by Natalie Samovich from Enercoutim the moderators from previous sessions summarised the findings of the sessions and discussed what is next frontier in the computing continuum and how AIOTI can best contribute to overcoming identified challenges, having in mind key European policies and experience from other regions.
- The presentation on AIOTI Web3 Accelerator moderated by Tom De Block focused on the accelerator, led by AIOTI and its members, which is initiated to help the ecosystem to deploy proper and interoperable WEB3 solutions based on insights and components provided by the AIOTI community.Newly published, assessed, and certified testbeds will demonstrate practical WEB3 implementations while enabling public and private user engagement and regulatory sandboxes.The presentation was to demonstrate the outcomes and winners of the Hackathon and how experimentation that is based on the AIOTI WEB3 Accelerator could be implemented.
During the event, we announced the winners of the first AIOTI Award, to recognize its members for their excellence working on the Internet of Things (IoT) and Edge Computing in Europe.
Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics
This event has been kindly sponsored by Siemens and Huawei.
Presentations can be found on the event website.
A full recording of the event can be watched here.