AIOTI Signature Event 2023 – The Next Frontier of the IoT, Edge, and Web3.0
AIOTI members and guests come together to discuss the Next Frontier of the IoT, Edge, and Web3.0
10 OCTOBER 2023, BRUSSELS, BE: A busy agenda of 5 sessions and 1 technical presentation has characterized the AIOTI Signature Event 2023. More than 70 renowned representatives from the policy and business domain attended the full-day event, with plenty of opportunities to network.
- The first session on Climate and Resource Resilience moderated by Georgios Karagiannis from Huawei showed how IoT and Edge Computing business scenarios and use cases can support these objectives and challenges, in particular how to deal with the current energy crisis, CO2 reduction, support the circular economy and digital product passport, impact on manufacturing and data spaces and measuring climate impact.
- The second session on Applying the Computing Continuum in the real world moderated by Dolores Ordonez from AnySolution examined real-world use cases and international deployment of IoT, Edge, and Web 3.0 as complementary solutions:
- How did we get here – The evolution from IoT to the meta-world
- Real-world deployment (European and global perspective – US, India, China, Korea)
- Major sectoral challenges and use cases (Healthcare, Energy, Manufacturing, Mobility)
- How is this next frontier going to deliver real transformation where IoT and cloud growth has been slower than expected?
- In the third session on Testbeds and Computing Continuum moderated by Ronald Freund from F5G Open Lab, AIOTI members presented their testbeds and live demonstrations and shared their insights on contributing to the computing continuum. Another objective WAS to provide input in possible further work on the AIOTI WG Testbeds.
- The fourth session on Advanced Digital Skills to deliver on promise of the Computing Continuum moderated by Brendan Rowan from BluSpecs presented how I+D is challenged with the Advanced Digital Skills shortage, together with what are our current options to act today and secure a competitive European Cloud-Edge industry tomorrow.
- In the fifth session on The Next Frontier for Computing Continuum moderated by Natalie Samovich from Enercoutim the moderators from previous sessions summarised the findings of the sessions and discussed what is next frontier in the computing continuum and how AIOTI can best contribute to overcoming identified challenges, having in mind key European policies and experience from other regions.
- The presentation on AIOTI Web3 Accelerator moderated by Tom De Block focused on the accelerator, led by AIOTI and its members, which is initiated to help the ecosystem to deploy proper and interoperable WEB3 solutions based on insights and components provided by the AIOTI community. Newly published, assessed, and certified testbeds will demonstrate practical WEB3 implementations while enabling public and private user engagement and regulatory sandboxes. The presentation was to demonstrate the outcomes and winners of the Hackathon and how experimentation that is based on the AIOTI WEB3 Accelerator could be implemented.
During the event, we announced the winners of the first AIOTI Award, to recognize its members for their excellence working on the Internet of Things (IoT) and Edge Computing in Europe.
Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics
This event has been kindly sponsored by Siemens and Huawei.
Presentations can be found on the event website.
A full recording of the event can be watched here.
AIOTI Vision 2024-2030
In 2024, the European election will open a new political 5-year cycle. In order to support the development of European policies, in particular, related to the computing continuum, from the IoT/Edge perspective, AIOTI has developed a vision 2024-2030 document.
In this document, besides general views on European policy, we set out our recommendations in the areas of policy, climate resilience, standardization, and research and innovation for the upcoming political cycle and the changes it will bring.
The full document can be found here.
At the end of this month, AIOTI has 184 members.
AIOTI has participated in the IEEE World Forum on IoT that was held from 12-26 October in Aveiro, Portugal.
AIOTI Steering Board Vice Chair, WG Testbeds Chair Tom De Block delivered a keynote speech at the opening of the conference, and leading sessions in the areas of mobility, sustainability, energy, manufacturing, and agriculture were provided.
AIOTI Events:
AIOTI Webinar: Innovative SME showcase
Join us at the upcoming showcase, where you will have the unique chance to not only witness but actively engage with two dynamic SMEs from AIOTI. They will present their cutting-edge solutions
through demos that were made possible by their active participation in open calls. Furthermore, we are excited to share a multitude of opportunities for other SMEs to engage in EU CEI and NGI open calls. Get ready to use them as your gateway to connect with a vibrant community of companies within our association.
15:30 Welcome
Mayte Carrecedo, FundingBox
15:40 Showcase: Ubiwhere
Ricardo Vitorino, Head of Technical Communication
16:05 Open call opportunities
Brendan Rowan, BluSpecs
AerOS: Andreu Belsa Pellicer, Universitat Politècnica de València
FLUIDOS: Gabriele Casalini, European DIGITAL SME Alliance
ICOS: Elena Japundžić, FundingBox
NebulOuS: Joanna Makocka and Ana Luísa Alves, F6S
NEPHELE: Diana Järve, FundingBox (TBC)
Target-X: Aneta Gałązka, FundingBox
16:20 Showcase: Any Solution
Juan Ortells, Innovation Director
16:55 Networking pitches
17:05 Networking breakout rooms
17:30 Close
To register please click here
Information and Brokerage Session: Digital Platforms for the Cloud-Edge-IoT, Innovation through Open Source & Software
We would like to share with you a brokerage opportunity, that will be held on 4 December in Brussels and online (.00 – 15.00h CET).
The event will be in hybrid mode (online and in-person in Brussels – the location will be announced soon).
During this event, you have the opportunity to learn about the Horizon Europe 2024 Calls on World Leading Data and Computing Technologies and Digital and Emerging Technologies for Competitiveness and Fit for the Green Deal.
The Information and Brokerage Event will introduce topics of the five Horizon Europe calls:
- HORIZON-CL4-2024-DATA-01-03 Piloting emerging Smart IoT Platforms and decentralized intelligence (IA)
- HORIZON-CL4-2024-DATA-01-05 Platform Building, standardization and Up-scaling of the ‘Cloud-Edge-IoT’ Solutions (CSA)
- HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-21: Open Source for Cloud/Edge to support European Digital Autonomy (RIA)
- HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-22: Fundamentals of Software Engineering (RIA)
- HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-23: Public recognition scheme for Open Source (CSA)
The event offers opportunities for participants to obtain information concerning the open Horizon Europe Calls, identify potential project partners through their pitches, as well as to forge winning partnerships with academics, researchers, industrial stakeholders, and SMEs.
Event participants will have the unique opportunity to pitch new concepts and applications, proposal ideas, and their expertise in front of leading research organizations and cutting-edge innovators from across the industry.
The deadline for pitch registration is 27 November 2023.
The event organizers will validate and confirm your pitch slot by 29 November 2023.
Please check the “submit your pitch” page of this website for more information.
Onsite participants will have the opportunity to participate in the onsite brokerage session. After you register as an onsite participant, you can start booking your meetings with other onsite participants.
Both onsite participants and remote participants will be able to book meetings using the platform one week before the event (27 November 2023) and until the calls’ submission deadline (19 March 2024).
Please check the “How it works” and “FAQ” pages of this website for more information.
6G-XR project Open Call for Funding
· XR enablers
· RAN enablers
· Sustainability enablers for local green energy, controlling energy sources and charging/discharging, energy measurement and optimization solutions
· Final submission deadline: 27 November 2023 @17:00 CET
👉 More information, FAQs, and application details can be found on the 6G-XR website at this link.
The 6G-XR (6G eXperimental Research infrastructure to enable next-generation XR services) project (www.6g-xr.eu/) is a Research and Innovation Action (RIA) under the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) under the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme. The project started in January 2023 and will run for 36 months, until the end of 2025.
6G-XR’s ambition is to strengthen European leadership in 6G technologies by enabling next-generation XR services and infrastructures that will provide beyond-state-of-the-art capabilities towards the 6G era. The project will develop an experimental multisite Research Infrastructure (RI) to provide a validation platform for various 6G-use cases by developing enablers for networking and computing, radio access technologies beyond 5G, enablers for XR services with in-build federation, trial management, abstraction tools as well as energy measurement frameworks.
TrialsNet Open Call launch
This is to inform you of the launch of the TrialsNet Open Call on 5G Evolved Use Cases.
TrialsNet invites European third parties such as verticals, companies (including SMEs), research centers or any other relevant entity, as well as facilities and infrastructure owners, to participate in its large-scale trials activities through the implementation of additional, diversified, and heterogeneous vertical use cases, to support:
- Option 1: The deployment of new trials on the platform and network solutions deployed by the project,
- Option 2: The extension of its infrastructure’s domain in other geographical areas located in Europe (complementing the main clusters).
Maximum amount of financial support for each application: 200.000 € under Option1 or, alternatively, up to 300.000 € under Option 2.
The proposed use cases and trials should address one of the main areas identified by the project:
- Infrastructure
- Transportation
- Safety & Security
- eHealth and Emergency
- Culture
- Tourism
- Entertainment
The total available budget for this Open Call is 5.580.900 euros.
Open Call launch: 16th October 2023
Proposals submission deadline: 19th January 2024
Expected duration of participation: 12 months
The funding rate for selected projects is 100% of the declared costs (including 25% flat rate for overheads), both for profit and not profit entities.
More information & Applications: https://trialsnet.eu/open-call/
Submission of Application: https://trialsnet.fundingbox.com/
Applications open for our DIGITAL MISSION TO JAPAN
Digital transition sector mission to Japan
This year again, the EU-Japan Centre is pleased to organise a business mission to Japan for EU SMEs and clusters active in the Digital Transition sector.
Our next edition will be taking place in Nagoya, Japan, in March 2024.
Our missions are a unique chance to showcase your activities in a leading trade fair in Japan, with our logistical and financial support.
Targets are:
SME companies and clusters specialized in digital technologies (i.e. technologies encompassing digital devices, systems, and resources that help create, store, and process data), in particular with applications in smart manufacturing and smart mobility.
The EU-Japan Centre will cover all costs related to the trade fair, provide interpreters on-site and grant 600€ to selected companies.
Please find all the info and apply here before November 24.
If you have any questions, please contact Denis at d.ledent@eu-japan.eu
New 5G-PPP White Paper on Industry 4.0
The 5G-PPP Technology Board published the new White Paper Innovation Trends in I4.0 enabled by 5G and Beyond Networks
Abstract: The Industry 4.0 (I4.0) concept revolutionizes how processes like quality, productivity, customization, and safety are managed in manufacturing. It has developed alongside 5G technology, and the two influence each other significantly. 5G supports the communication needs of I4.0, while I4.0 is a major sector for 5G growth. This whitepaper offers a comprehensive view of I4.0 design principles, driven by collaboration between I4.0 leaders and contributors to 5G development. It also assesses the applicability of 5G for short and mid-term I4.0 challenges based on input from stakeholders. The report touches on evolving 5G technologies, like Deterministic Networking and Digital Twining, and explores the future of ecosystem dynamics, regulation, and sustainability. Ultimately, it provides valuable insights into the synergy between I4.0 and 5G, drawing from leading 5G-PPP Phase III projects.
Available at https://5g-ppp.eu/white-papers/
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8367578
URL: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8367578
CEF Digital Call 3: 5G and Edge Cloud for Smart Communities – Info Day on 7 November
This Info Day aims to support and guide call applicants for their upcoming project submissions, as well as invite stakeholders to connect with potential partners through matchmaking.
On Tuesday 7 November 2023, the European Commission (DG Connect) will organize an Info Day on the third CEF Digital call for the 5G & Edge Cloud for Smart Communities action.
Agenda, additional information and link to register at: https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/events/connecting-europe-facility-cef-digital-call-3-5g-and-edge-cloud-smart-communities?pk_source=ec_newsroom&pk_medium=email&pk_campaign=Shaping%20Europe%27s%20Digital%20Future%20website%20updates
The Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) has announced the 27 winners of its second call for proposals, with a €130 million funding boost
The Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) is pleased to unveil the selection of its new 27 research, innovation, and trial projects that will commence operations as of 1 January 2024. These projects represent a significant stride towards advancing smart networks and services, offering breakthrough innovations, experimental platforms and large-scale trials, driving world-class research and shaping the world’s digital connected future.
Erzsébet Fitori, the new SNS JU Executive Director, announced the newly selected projects today in her keynote at the 5G Techritory 2023 event.
In its second phase, the SNS JU is moving towards more detailed design and system optimisation while integrating micro-electronics and sustainability as core dimensions. The aim is to build first-class 6G technology capacities across Europe and to strongly contribute to standardisation efforts. With an EU budget of €130 million, this second call will further support and accelerate ground-breaking research in 6G technologies throughout Europe and beyond. International collaboration is key to achieving a globally accepted 6G standard. One project that was selected focuses on EU-US research cooperation.
The SNS JU now counts a portfolio of 62 research, innovation, and trials projects, with 27 new projects selected following the evaluation of proposals submitted under the SNS JU second call. The 27 projects announced today launch the second phase of the SNS Roadmap, which will be further expanded with the future 3rd and 4th SNS JU Calls and the resulting projects that will kickstart their activities within 2025 and 2026 respectively. The launch of the new projects follows the formal decision of the SNS JU Governing Board.