Design of future city services exploiting data marketplaces. Starting from urban everyday life.
Co-located with the 28th international conference on Information systems development
Technologists and engineers are busy investigating how to build technology-based urban systems. Also known as Smart Cities, these complex solutions are expected to drive efficient city management and economic growth. Too often, smart city designers forget to ask who gets to live in there and what it means to be a citizen of a smart city.
Let’s have a closer look at this forgotten “soft” dimension of the City: Everyday lifes, routines, habits, processes… We can grasp this dimension with sensor data, photos, videos, social media messages, blog articles, audio records; share on city data marketplaces and derive intelligence for informed technology design. In doing so, we can design “Soft City” systems and services, closer to the citizen’s practices, expectations and concerns.
We invite academic and industrial partners to take part at the Soft City track to imagine together how to get the “hard” – technology – components to serve the “soft” part of the city – people, processes and lifestyles…
The industrial track will be organized around 3 half-a-day sessions – 2 panel discussions and 1 co-creation workshop. Expert panel speakers and professional facilitators will guide you through the journey.
The first panel session “Envisioning a Soft Urban Future” will be articulated around questions such as
- What urban future do citizens want?
- What urban future is currently imagined and offered by technology providers?
- What is overlooked by technological solution providers?
The second panel session “Implementing the Soft Urban future” will discuss existing approaches, methods and tools enabling creation of future cities. Participants will be invited to share their experience and express their needs.
The last session will be organised as a co-creation workshop “Co-creating Soft City services” and driven by professional facilitators.
Expected outcome: at the end of the track journey we will have produced a vision of “Soft City”, outlined methods, approaches and tools for Soft city design and defined future “soft” city services that will make use of data marketplaces and future digital infrastructures, including 5G networks.
Prototype exhibition facilities: 300 m² to showcase results of your academic and industrial research. Bring your prototypes and share!
Contact us to discuss logistics:
Event website here.
Register here.
Track conveners:
Panel speakers:
Industry track partners: