AIOTI ICT for CO2 reduction methodologies WG has published Release 3 of the IoT and Edge Computing Carbon Footprint Measurement Methodology Report.
This Report addresses the users of IoT and Edge Computing technologies and services to help them understand and make informed choices on how to assess the carbon footprint of solutions and services they use and to also measure how these methodologies support carbon footprint reduction of their use.
This version of the report (Release 3.0) includes:
- use case that applies the Network Carbon Index (NCI), specified in ITU-T L.1333,
- updated the equations including the impact of higher-order effects including rebound effects,
- included a “simplified avoided carbon emissions equation”, introduced in ITU-T (rev)L.1480,
- included example uses cases that apply the AIOTI equations defined in this report,
- included example use cases that apply the “simplified avoided emissions calculation”.
The Report ends with conclusions and recommendations for practical use.