Third High Level Forum on EU Standardisation Plenary Meeting, 29 January
AIOTI participated in the plenary meeting of the EU High-Level Forum on Standardisation, held on 29 January in Brussels. The meeting was chaired by European Commission Vice-President Stephane Sejourne. AIOTI was represented by its main representative, Ms Tanya Suarez from Bluspecs. This prestigious gathering brought together policymakers, industry leaders, and stakeholders to discuss the strategic role of standardisation in advancing Europe’s competitiveness, innovation, and sustainability goals.
At the meeting, the forum took note of the progress of the 15 workstreams, covering a wide range of areas including green electricity systems, low carbon cement, clean hydrogen, data interoperability and the aspects of fundamental rights and standards, especially important in the context of AI. The forum discussed how to ensure European industry leadership in international standards-setting.
The Commission announced the creation of the High-Level Forum as a part of the EU strategy on standardisation in 2022 to support a green, digital and resilient single market, further align standardisation actions with European policy priorities, industrial innovation and investment activities; as well as to address other actions foreseen under the strategy. The forum comprises representatives from EU/EEA countries, European standardisation organisations, industry, civil society and academia. The current composition includes 55 members.
ENACT Kick-off meeting
The Environmental Effect on Health Care and Wellbeing through Active Interventions (ENACT) project, coordinated by AIOTI, was officially initiated on 22 January 2025 with a successful kick-off meeting in Brussels.
Funded by the European Union, ENACT aims to explore and address the impact of environmental factors on health care and wellbeing through innovative, evidence-based interventions. For more information, follow the project here:
Webinar “How advanced communications can support sustainability goals”, 21 January
The workshop aimed to provide an open information space for sharing current and future views on how advanced communications can support sustainability goals. Hopefully, it will empower us with the knowledge, tools, and inspiration needed to make sustainable choices that can impact our work, community, and the planet.
Two different discussion panels are organised:
Panel 1 will address “Advanced communications contributing to sustainability” and
Panel 2 will address “AI, IoT, and Edge Continuum improving the performance of digital society.”
Key speakers from industry and academia presented the views of manufacturers, operators, industry bodies, and research scientists at the workshop.
The presentations and the webinar recording can be found here.
SCoDIHNet monthly news
The Bi-Monthly SCoDIHNet meeting took place on the 14 January and the main outcomes are:
Presentation of the Techfinders.io initiative by Maria Paez (Fundingbox).(see topic 3) Our technical Platform catalogue is being updated, (see topic 2).
SCoDIHNet has been registered on the European Cluster Collaboration platform in order to be part of this community and to develop potential cooperation with other clustersUpdate of the SCoDIHNet platform catalogue.
Techfinders.io project has made a presentation at the January SCoDIHNet meeting (14/01), it is offering a service to help the reusage of project use cases/solutions by DIHs or integrators. The Replicability assessment tool has been shared in order to check if it can also be used by Techfinders.io to qualify the use cases/solutions provided by projects. On the other hand, the objective is to advertise this tool to the SNS JU projects, which are willing to bring their results to the market.
First contacts have been established with the TEFAgrifood in order to see how DIH could access these experimental platforms to develop innovative use cases for end users.
White Clouds Aviation Cluster
Green Supply Chain Digital Innovation Hub
AIOTI Report IoT and Edge Computing EU Funded Projects Landscape R3
AIOTI WG Standardisation prepared a report on IoT and Edge Computing EU Funded Projects Landscape Release 3.
The main objective of this deliverable is to provide the landscape of EU funded projects focusing on IoT and edge computing, which can be used to:
- leverage on existing IoT and edge computing research and innovation activities in Europe, and
- provide input to IoT and edge computing standardisation gap analysis activities.
Release 3.0 of this report, compared to Release 2.0, includes more IoT and/or Edge computing projects, which are:
- a list of additional ongoing projects focusing on IoT and Edge computing that are funded by the EU: DS2, ODEON, P2CODE, OASEES, OpenSwarm, TaRDIS, 5G COMPLETE, 5G INDUCE, 5GMED, 5GMETA, 5G-VICTORI, AI@EDGE, Evolved 5G, SmartEdge, DECICE, Hexa-X-II, 6G-Cloud, 6G-BRICKS, SUNRISE-6G, ExtremeXP, 6G-INTENSE, 6G-DALI, A-IQ Ready, INSTAR, CORTEX2, NextGEM, OMEGA-X, PEDvolution.
- project descriptions of projects that were labelled as ongoing in Release 1 and were in the meantime completed, are moved to the respective sections with completed projects: ASSITS-IoT, InteIIIoT, BD4NRG, OpenContinuum, Unlock-CEI.
- updated figures that used for the visualization of the IoT EU funded projects landscape.
AIOTI Report AI, IoT and Edge Continuum impact and relation on 5G/6G: enabling technologies and challenges R4
AIOTI WG Standardisation prepared a report AI, IoT and Edge Continuum impact and relation on 5G/6G: enabling technologies and challenges Release 4.
This report highlights several IoT and Edge Computing vertical domain use cases collected by the Alliance for AI, IoT and Edge Continuum Innovation (AIOTI) and determines the specific requirements they impose on the underlying 5G/6G network infrastructure. These use cases and requirements can be used by Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs), such as 3GPP, ITU-T, ISO, and IEEE as requirements for automation in vertical domains focusing on critical communications.
In addition to these use cases also emerging topics in the area of (Beyond) 5G technology are as well introduced.
The Release 4.0 of this report includes 14 additional use cases in the areas of: (1) Digital Twin, (2) autonomous urban transportation, (3) critical Infrastructure support applications (smart health and connected vehicles), (4) preliminary 6G use cases, (5) use of drones, (6) smart manufacturing and automation, (7) service trust and liability management, (8) Edge-Cloud orchestration and (9) smart agriculture.
AIOTI Workshop on Semantic Interoperability and Digital Twins
Discussions will involve a mix of invited talks, breakout sessions, and community-submitted presentations, all aimed at addressing industrial needs for semantic interoperability. The workshop will provide ample opportunities for real discussions and will be followed up with a publicly available workshop report.
Find more information here.
Invitation to the 2025 EuCNC & 6G Summit in Poznan, Poland
The 2025 EuCNC & 6G Summit builds on putting together two successful conferences in the area of telecommunications: EuCNC (European Conference on Networks and Communications), supported by the European Commission and the 6G Summit, originated from the 6G Flagship programme in Finland.
The conference is sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) and the European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP).
It brings together cutting-edge research and world-renown industries and businesses, globally attracting in the last years more than 900 delegates from more than 40 countries all over the world, to present and discuss the latest results, and an exhibition with more than 50 exhibitors, for demonstrating the technology developed in the area, namely within research projects from EU R&I programmes.
The conference calls include:
- Papers in regular sessions (to be submitted to IEEE Xplore), https://eucnc.eu/call-for-papers;
- Workshops, https://eucnc.eu/call-for-workshops;
- Special Sessions, https://eucnc.eu/call-for-special-sessions;
- Poster Sessions, https://eucnc.eu/call-for-posters;
- Tutorials, https://eucnc.eu/call-for-tutorials;
- Startups Award, https://www.eucnc.eu/authors/call-for-startups-award;
- Ph.D. Thesis Award, https://www.eucnc.eu/authors/call-for-ph-d-thesis-award;
- Demos and Exhibitions, https://eucnc.eu/call-for-exhibitors-demos;
- SMEs Demos, https://www.eucnc.eu/patrons-exhibitors/call-for-smes-demos;
- Universities Demos, https://www.eucnc.eu/patrons-exhibitors/call-for-universities-demos;
- Poster Booths, https://www.eucnc.eu/patrons-exhibitors/call-for-poster-booth;
- Pitches on coffee breaks, https://www.eucnc.eu/patrons-exhibitors/call-for-pitches.
Best Papers and Booth Awards will be granted as well.
Accepted and presented papers for regular sessions will be published in the Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore and other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
We invite you and your colleagues to submit a paper or poster, as well as proposals for workshops, special sessions and tutorials, and apply for the awards, key deadlines being:
- 2025 Jan 24 – Papers for regular oral sessions
- 2025 Jan 24 – Proposals for workshops, special sessions and tutorials
- 2025 Mar 07 – Extended abstracts for posters
- 2025 Mar 28 – Proposals for exhibitions and demos
- 2025 Mar 28 – Applications for awards
All relevant information is available at https://www.eucnc.eu
25th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing
25-27 June 2025
Join the DSP 2025 Conference in Greece this summer, an IEEE-endorsed signal processing conference. Our special session (https://2025.ic-dsp.org/special-session-6/) focuses on remote sensing, signal processing, and machine learning for Earth applications.
We welcome your paper submissions by the end of February. Don’t miss this chance to connect with the Signal Processing community in a stunning venue!
Special Session: Advances in Remote Sensing, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning for Earth Applications -> https://2025.ic-dsp.org/special-session-6/
Organizers: Esther Rodrigo-Bonet (University of Valencia, VUB-imec) & Nikos Deligiannis (VUB-imec)
This session explores the intersection of remote sensing, signal processing, and machine learning to address complex Earth system challenges. It welcomes advancements in:
• Distributed/on-site sensing and monitoring
• Environmental data analysis (e.g., anomaly detection, disaster assessment, climate modeling)
• Deep learning methods (e.g., graph models, transformers, generative models) for Earth observations/applications
• Explainability, interpretability, and federated AI for Earth systems
AIOTI Calendar of meetings and events 2025
Call for Papers – GIECS 2025 Deadline 01 June 2025
We are excited to announce that as part of AIOTI Days 2025, we will be hosting the Global IoT and Edge Computing Summit (GIECS) on 22 September in Madrid, Spain.
We invite researchers and experts to submit scientific papers exploring cloud, edge, and IoT to foster a deeper understanding of continuum computing and its impact on the future of the Internet.
Find further information and submit your paper here.
Submission deadline: 1June, 2025.
By participating in GIECS, you will have the opportunity to showcase your research to industry leaders, academics, and policymakers shaping the future of IoT and edge computing.
Additionally, if you are interested in contributing to the Technical Programme Committee, please reach out to Mirko Presser at mirko.presser@btech.au.dk.
Global Internet of Things and Edge Computing Summit
First Global Summit, GIECS 2024, Brussels, Belgium, September 24–25, 2024, Proceedings.
This Open Access book constitutes the proceedings from the First Global Internet of Things and Edge Computing Summit, GIECS 2024, held in Brussels, Belgium, September 24–25, 2024.
The 12 full papers presented here were carefully reviewed and selected from 21 submissions. These papers have been organized under the following topical sections: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Digital Twins; Data Management, Privacy, and Trust in Distributed Systems; Edge Computing and Cross-Domain Systems.
See more here: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-78572-6
CENTRIC Open-source Repositories for AI and ML communities available on GitHub
“CENTRIC project’s Open-Source repositories for ML and AI communities are now online and available to all and for researchers and developers, as early adopters of CENTRIC results, working on emerging ML techniques for broad application in wireless communications.
On its way towards the goal to enable sustainable user-centric 6G networks through an AI-native Air Interface, the CENTRIC project is leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques through a top-down, modular approach to wireless connectivity focusing on users’ communication needs and environmental constraints at the center of the network stack design. To achieve this, the CENTRIC project team worked on establishment and investigation of numerous ML techniques for their application in different aspects of network design, covering both physical and MAC networking layers, resulting with a number of open source repositories and data sets, allowing also wide research community to (re-)use the CENTRIC results, but also to investigate and validate own emerging solutions.”
All information is available on the project’s website at https://centric-sns.eu/2024/12/16/5th-edition-newsletter-centric-open-source-repositories-for-ml-community/
H2020 Auto-DAN Project
Auto-DAN is a project funded by Horizon 2020 which aims to enable homes and small businesses across the EU to optimize their energy consumption and provide an assessment of the live energy performance of a building which takes into account the quality of appliances/systems installed, user operational habits and the smart readiness of a building. With six demonstration sites—O Cualann Cohousing Cooperative in Dublin (Ireland), Palazzo Terragni in Lissone (Italy), Delta Ecopolis in Milan (Italy), Residencia Camino de Santiago, and VideBURGOS Foundation in Burgos (Spain)—and 12 partners, Auto-DAN is revolutionizing energy management and operational efficiency in buildings.
Key objectives of Auto-DAN:
- Exploiting the evolution of IoT and emerging Technologies to capture data and creating solutions that will enable the self optimisation of the building’s energy consumption.
- Producing a cost-effective technological solution for the self-assessment of actual energy performance of buildings and the products which use energy in buildings
- Creating an augmented intelligence (AuI) solution that will deliver assistive automation in buildings (of any size) and putting the occupant firmly at the proactive centre of the building performance.
- Producing a new dynamic (and continuous) self-assessment methodology that takes into account the actual energy performance of a building, the quality and operation of appliances/systems installed, user operational habits and the smart readiness indicator (SRI) of a building.
Website: https://www.autodan-project.eu/
Call for Papers – INFOCOM Workshop on Shaping the Future of Telecoms – Networks for Joint Intelligence, Sustainability, Security, and Resilience
The rapid evolution of telecom networks toward 6G and beyond is driving an unprecedented convergence of physical, network, and application layers. This transformation demands seamless integration of diverse technologies and cross-layer innovations to address increasingly complex communication challenges. Hosted at IEEE INFOCOM 2025, this workshop provides a unique international platform to explore federated, multi-layered, and interdisciplinary approaches for building next-generation telecom networks that are intelligent, sustainable, secure, and resilient.
The workshop emphasizes the critical role of interoperability in enabling seamless collaboration across intelligence, sustainability, security, and resilience. It will showcase cutting-edge research on federated network architectures, multi-access technologies, AI-enhanced systems, and cross-layer solutions to advance the state of the art in network design.
By fostering collaboration between academia, industry, and government, the workshop aims to lay the foundation for the interconnected and adaptive telecom networks of the future.
We invite submissions presenting original research, practical solutions, and visionary ideas across all layers of the network stack. The workshop seeks to push the boundaries of innovation and facilitate global dialogue, paving the way for collaborative advancements in 6G and beyond. The workshop focuses on the critical role of joint interoperability in shaping the future of telecom networks, ensuring seamless integration of intelligence, sustainability, security, and resilience. Submissions are particularly encouraged that jointly explore:
- Intelligence: Developing interoperable AI-driven systems that enable collaborative, autonomous operations across network domains.
- Sustainability: Designing interconnected solutions that promote energy efficiency and green telecom infrastructures.
- Security: Ensuring secure communications through cross-layered and federated approaches.
- Resilience: Building adaptive, fault-tolerant networks that maintain performance by dynamically coordinating resources and architectures.
Submission Details:
Papers must be formatted in the standard IEEE two-column format used by the INFOCOM 2025 main conference and must not exceed six pages in length, including references. All submissions will undergo a peer review process, and accepted papers presented by one of the authors at the workshop will be published in the IEEE INFOCOM 2025 proceedings and IEEE Xplore. Submit your paper via EDAS using the following link: https://edas.info/N33222.
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: January 10, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: February 5, 2025
Camera Ready: February 26, 2025 (Firm Deadline)
Workshop: May 19, 2025
Women in Telecommunications and Research (WiTaR) WG – 2024 Activity Report
WiTaR 2024 activity report is now available!
We are thrilled to announce the publication of WiTaR 2024 report of activities, showcasing the impactful work the working group has undertaken to advance gender balance in the 6G-IA and SNS.
Over the past year, we have:
- Organized inspiring events to amplify diverse voices in technology.
- Conducted various surveys to identify the most important issues in our community.
- Launched our website and public LinkedIn page to be in touch with members and highlight our activities more closely.
- Our members gave several interviews and participated in podcasts to highlight the importance of women’s presence in the ICT sector.
The report reflects the dedication of our team, partners, and supporters in shaping a more inclusive and equitable future for ICT sector. It highlights successes, lessons learned, and actionable strategies for change.
Check the report here: https://6g-ia.eu/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/witar-yearly-report-2024.pdf
White Paper “Network and Service Management Advancements”
SNS JU Reliable Software Networks WG published the White Paper titled “Network and Service Management Advancements”, which is available at https://smart-networks.europa.eu/sns-publications/
‘This whitepaper investigates Key Frameworks and Interfaces towards Open, Intelligent and Reliable 6G networks. These aspects are implemented in software and therefore Software has emerged as an essential part of mobile telecommunication networks for the efficient and effective operation of the 5G and 6G systems. 6G Software, with APIs, frameworks, enablers, as well as advanced and tailored security, will transform 6G networks into a dynamic, intelligent, and secure platform capable of meeting the demands of future applications.