AIOTI Webinar: Presentation of the Edge driven Digital Twins in distributed energy systems
AIOTI presented on 19 March at the webinar, the paper Edge driven Digital Twins in distributed energy systems: Role and opportunities for hybrid data driven solutions.
The full document can be found here.
The paper explores the intersection of Digital Twins and Edge Computing within the context smart grids in the electricity sector in the EU. The goal is to specifically focus on medium and low voltage networks environments. The use cases’ primary objectives are to enhance visibility for more advanced grid monitoring and management, with a particular emphasis on integrating the grid edge through digital twins. This integration allows for real-time monitoring, enabling advanced grid management methods and creating opportunities for active consumer participation while increasing grids´ capacity.
The paper outlines both challenges and opportunities associated with edge computing and Digital Twins in the distributed energy sector. Challenges include the technical maturity of digital twin technology, lack of plug and play deployment tools, and a shortage of digital skills in the energy sector. Regulatory issues, data privacy, and security concerns are also identified, which requiring innovative policies and regulatory experimentation. On the other hand, opportunities for future growth lie in scalability.
The opportunities for future growth in AI and Digital Twins within the distributed energy systems are detailed, emphasising scalability, federated Digital Twins models, linkage to the European Data Space, and the need for determining useful data for collection.
The presentation can be found here and webinar recording here.
SCoDIHNet monthly news
Following the survey organised earlier, 71 organisations representing DIHs and technology providers coming from AIOTI and 6G-IA membership and more, remained active in SCoDIHNet. An update of the mailing list will be made accordingly.
It was decided to keep SCoDIHNet participation open to all interested organisations.
A separate call for interest has been sent to all 6G-IA members in order to collect their interest to join SCoDIHNet.
A survey has been put in place in order to better understand the key services that DIHs members are expected from SCoDIHNet. Among the 33 services provided, the 5 key services are: 1) Development of EU proposals, 2) Organisation of pan-EU collaborative R&D, 3) Initiating (ad-hoc) EU interregional collaborations, 4) EU instruments and calls information and 5) Mapping of R&D capacities/capabilities. A white paper will be initiated in order to bring concrete actions for each of the five mentioned services.
AIOTI White Paper IoT/Edge Computing and Health Data and Data Spaces
AIOTI WG Health has published a White Paper on IoT/Edge Computing and Health Data and Data Spaces.
The European Health Data Space proposal is one of the initiatives the Commission has put forward as part of the Health Union package adopted in November 2020. It is the outcome of the convergence of two major policy streams of the last decade: the data economy and eHealth. It can be read as a lex specialis and one of the first sectoral applications of the Data Governance Act (2022). It sets a data governance framework for data intermediaries that facilitate data exchanges and sharing between several parties.
There are several objectives the EHDS aims to pursue, but the main ones are the following: i) Empower individuals through better digital access to their health data; support the free movement by ensuring that health data follow people; ii) Unleash the data economy by fostering a genuine single market for digital health services and products; and iii) Set up strict rules for the use of individual’s non-identifiable health data for research, innovation, policy-making and regulatory activities. As such, the EHDS aims to improve and support healthcare delivery within Europe by allowing public health data to be accessible throughout Europe. The EHDS also aims to promote better access and exchange of different types of health data for research and policy purposes. The aim is to have the EHDS up and running in 2025.
The EHDS is expected to bring great benefits, but it also brings challenges related to technology, governance and privacy as such EU approaches to health data have struggled due to several key limitations:
- Uncertain demand on the part of patients for cross-border delivery of eHealth services;
- Impediments posed by the simultaneous need to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of sensitive health data;
- Insufficient incentives for Member States and institutions to participate in data-pooling arrangements;
- Lack of a strong mandate to proceed at the EU level (subsidiarity); and
- The risk of problematic interactions with other EU and national legal instruments.
These limitations manifest differently for primary use versus secondary use, and they have different implications for the degree to which the proposed EHDS Regulation can be expected to be effective, efficient, coherent, and add European value.
This paper aims to shed light on some key elements of the EHDS Regulation, its relationship and comparison with international big players such as the USA and China, and the vision, expectations, use cases, and best practices provided by AIOTI WG Health members.
The full paper can be found here.
AIOTI Days 2024, 24/25 September, Brussels
AIOTI is organising annual event that builds upon five successful editions of AIOTI Signature gatherings. AIOTI Days 2024 will feature the Thematic and Project sessions, Hackathon and the Scientific Conference GIECS, guaranteeing a rich and comprehensive experience for all participants.
At the core of AIOTI Days 2024 is the exploration of how the continuum and digital twins meet virtual worlds in the industrial space, creating a physical-digital virtual continuum.
European WEB3 Accelerator Hackathon #2 – Turning WEB3 into reality
Starting from 23 April.
Turning WEB3 into Reality during two months online collaboration and 3 days in-person in Brussels.
Last year AIOTI landed the European WEB3 Accelerator with the start of its hackathon series.
Participants to Hackathon #2 “Turning WEB3 into Reality” are set to develop WEB3 solutions during two months of online collaboration to land their solutions together in a shared public infrastructure during a 3-day in-person event. This event is open to everyone with an interest in energy-efficient and trusted digital ecosystems, willing to enhance systems and contribute to a better society.
AIOTI Webinar Presenting Standardisation Report,
24 April, 15.00h CET
AIOTI Webinar Presenting the Report onDLT-IoT-AI Technological Convergence
8 May, 15.00h CET
20×30: Europe’s Advanced Digital Skills Summit
Date: 16 May 2024
Time: 10:00-17:00
Place: La Nave, Madrid.
In an era of rapid technological evolution, Europe’s competitive edge hinges on its ability to develop and maintain advanced digital skills. Facing a critical shortage of ICT professionals, the “20×30: Europe’s ADS Summit” emerges as a pivotal gathering to propel Europe towards its ambitious goal of adding 20 million new ICT specialists by 2030, underpinning the Digital Decade policy initiative.
This free one-day event in Madrid unites thought leaders from business, academia, and policy-making to chart Europe’s journey in advanced digital skills. Featuring roundtables, keynote speeches, workshops, and showcases of best practices, the summit is a crucible for innovative solutions and strategic collaborations aimed at redefining Europe’s digital skills landscape.
To find out more and register for the event see here.
AIOTI Calendar of meetings and events 2024
EEE COINS 2024 – Call for papers
Smart agriculture, livestock farming, aquaculture and forestry based on IoT, AI, and Big Data and related technologies as part of: IEEE COINS 2024: IEEE International Conference on Omni-Layer Intelligent Systems July 29 -31, 2024 | London, UK | Hybrid Event: In-Person and Virtual Presentations IEEE | IEEE RAS | IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY
Deadline: March 31, 2024 (AOE)
Are you interested in taking part in shaping and adding new dimensions to the future IoT and AI ecosystem? Are you seeking to harness the opportunities afforded by the tsunami of new technologies? Do you want to stay ahead and learn about the most prominent digital technologies that are radically shifting the paradigm? Or are you just curious about what IoT, AI, and Big Data are all about and how they impact every aspect of our lives, society, and business? IEEE COINS (https://coinsconf.com/) is the right place to be.
IEEE COINS solicits papers and proposals accompanying submissions for presentations in various tracks, among them Agriculture.The aim of this track is to exchange and discuss innovative proposals on agriculture, livestock farming, aquaculture and forestry based on Internet of Things and other related technologies, techniques and architectures. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
A) Technologies, techniques and architectures
• Long-Range and Low-Power Wide Area Open Source network
• Energy harvesting smart sensors
• Innovative sensing technologies in agriculture, livestock and aquaculture (pesticides, nutrients, biometric, pollutants, etc.).
• Cloud computing, Fog Computing and Edge Computing
• Data Spaces, Big Data, Smart Data, and Open Linked Data
• Event driven approach to agricultural data and solutions
• Multispectral imaging – geospatial data sources
• Autonomous Unmanned Aerial for agriculture services and Terrestrial Vehicles and Swarms, Robots and Cobots
• Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning Solutions
B) Solutions applied to specific problems
• Decision support systems for water, energy and pesticides usage optimization
• Early detection and prediction of fungi and insect pests
• Data Mining for field yield increase
• Cross-agri-domain interoperability and integration
• Solutions for apiculture – management, disease and poisoning prevention
• Sustainability in mixed farming environments
IEEE COINS will publish accepted papers in the conference proceedings, and the proceedings will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital library and indexing services. Each paper must be no more than six pages.
Papers submission: March 31, 2024
Notification of acceptance: May 31, 2024
Camera-ready paper due: June 20, 2024 (Hard Deadline)
EasyChair: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=ieeecoins2024
All presented papers will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital library
Call For Contributions 2nd Digital Transformation Summit
As in the past edition, the 2nd DTSummit promises to attract a diverse audience, including academic experts from major international research institutes and universities, industry professionals from both large corporations and SMEs, as well as representatives from the European Commission and governmental bodies. This eclectic mix of participants creates an ideal environment for fostering valuable networking and collaboration opportunities.The event’s dynamic program encompasses keynote sessions, technical sessions, panel discussions, industry-focused sessions, and dedicated workshops where you can engage in fruitful discussions around EU’s Digital strategy. This comprehensive array of sessions ensure multiple avenues for engagement with the audience. If you are keen on spotlighting your company, showcasing projects or solutions, networking with a prestigious audience, preparing future project proposals, and amplifying brand recognition, the 2nd DTSummit 2024 is an exceptional opportunity not to be missed.For more information: https://mdtweek.digit-madeira.pt/sponsors.htmlWorkshops and Panel Sessions – Last days for proposal submissions
Interested in organizing a workshop or a panel Sessions? Submit your proposals now through the following link:
https://mdtweek.digit-madeira.pt/summit/submissions.html.Scientific Publication OpportunitiesWithin the scope of the Madeira Digital Transformation Week, UNINOVA is also hosting 30th ICE IEEE/ITMC Conference (ICE 2024), taking place in parallel with the 2nd Digital Transformation Summit. For this upcoming event we would like to signal to our growing community of researchers and innovators to share their latest scientific work that addresses the conference theme: “Digital Transformation on Engineering, Technology and Innovation”.ICE 2024 conference will include an original set of paper sessions, plenary sessions and exhibition booth stands.