New members
AIOTI welcomes new member:
At the end of May, AIOTI has 154 members.
AIOTI submitted a response to the public consultation on the new EU Data Strategy. The response was driven by the new Task Force on EU strategies, with additional input given by AIOTI WGs, in particular WG on IoT Standardisation.
Upcoming meetings and events
Data Sharing in Agriculture Webinar 2020 Towards a European Agricultrure Data Spaces, 10 June
The joint webinar organised by AIOTI WG Smart Farming and food Security, and the EUropean Commission, supported by the CreateIoT Large Scale Pilot project. Register here.
AIOTI Remote/Online General Assembly, 18 June
Management Board decided on its session held on 15 April, to schedule the remote/online General Assembly, that will be held via Webex, on 18 June, starting at 15.00h CET, for up to 2h. The documents and more details will follow in due time.
Sustainable Energy Week, 23 – 25 June
AIOTI organised panel at the Policy Conference at the EU Sustainability Week 2020, that will run online from 23 to 25 June. Panel participants will be Natalie Samovich (Chairwoman of AIOTI WG Smart Energy), Kees van der Klauw and Colin Willcock (Chairman of 5GIA). The registration will be launched in June.
AIOTI Webinar IoT – driving Europe’s technology sovereignty and leadership, 29 September
On the 29 September from 13.00 – 16.30h CET AIOTI will held a Webinar on IoT – driving Europe’s technology sovereignty and leadership. The agenda and more details will follow in due time.
AIOTI WG Smart Farming and Food Security just published new paper “IoT data marketplaces for the agri-food sector“.
AIOTI WG03 – loT Standardisation published the report “IoT Relation and Impact on 5G Release 3.0“.
WG09 Smart Mobility Webinar
Shaping AIOTI – WG09 scope of work for 2020-21
Tuesday 2 June 2020 – 13:30 to 17:00
For AIOTI members only