
HackIstanbul 2018 CTF Contest

AIOTI is partnering with HackIstanbul 2018 CTF Contest. Turkey is hosting a worldwide extraordinary contest. Within the Teknofest (teknofestistanbul.org) event, Turkish Technology Team (turkiyeteknolojitakimi.org) will be […]

AIOTI position on IoT research and innovation priorities

AIOTI has prepared views on IoT research and innovation priorities in Europe. The position could be found here.

AIOTI position paper on Horizon Europe and Digital Europe

AIOTI has prepare its views on the next European research and innovation programme Horizon Europe and on the Digital Europe. You can find the position here.

Webinar: Platforms and Pilots under the Focus Area Digitising and Transforming European Industry and Services

The European Commission is organising a web-based information session will provide further details for prospective applicants to the Platforms and Pilots topics under the Focus Area “Digitising […]

IoT Workshop – open access to data

AUTOPILOT and the European Commission, with the support of AIOTI, are organising a workshop on open access to data on 4 September 2018 in Brussels. More […]

AIOTI Chair gave an interview at Cybersec Conference

AIOTI Chair Kees van der Klauw gave an interview at the Cybersec Conference that was held in Brussels at the end of February 2018. AIOTI Chair […]

AIOTI held annual general assembly in Bilbao on 8 June

AIOTI held its annual general assembly on Friday, 8 June, in Bilbao Euskalduna conference center, following successful participation in IoT week that was held in the same […]

AIOTI contributed to success of IoT week 2018 held in Bilbao, 4-7 June

AIOTI was participating this year at the IoT week, that was held between 4 and 7 June in Bilbao, Spain. From the opening to the closing ceremony, […]

Meeting with Brazilian delegation, 28 May

AIOTI met with the delegation from Brazil, including Brazilian IoT Chamber on 28 May in Brussels. AIOTI was represented by Luis Perez-Freire, chair of WG6 (Gradiant) […]